What Is It To Know God?

1 month ago

So what is it to know an invisible God? And can we really say that He was or is invisible when He came down as a Man-God in the suit of Jesus? And to take it a step further can we say even if that was necessary, you know coming down as a Man-God for us to believe, when He manifested Himself so much in the bible? Look at the miracles, signs, and wonders that occurred in the Old Testament. I could write a book on them but that is not the point of this message.

Have you heard that you can have a personal relationship with God? Have you heard that you can have a personal relationship with Jesus? Ha, how about this question. Do you know what it is to have a personal relationship with God? I mean you know that I know that God and Jesus are the same God, one in the flesh, that is that God hovered over Mary by way of His Holy Spirit, and planted Himself in her that He might enter into humanity, in order to allow us to know Him, but also that we would murder Him. Ha, how many messages are in just that statement?

How do we have a relationship with God is the point of this message, and I hope that you will do everything in your power to understand all of the revelation that will be herewith in it.

I have done messages on knowing God before, but as always, it seems as though I must do a revision so that well because I cannot find the other one to revise. But, and well no but, but, doing multiple messages on the same or near the same subject is like reading the bible over again. Unlike if you mine a 9-square foot of land for gold, and then go back and do it again, and then again, getting less and less gold, this is not so when you read your bible. In fact the opposite is true because when you first read it you get milk-level understanding or revelation, go again so many times and then you get bread-level understanding or revelation, and go again more times, yes more times than just one more time, and you get meat-level understanding. And each of these levels only increases as you allow the revelation to change and equip you. You must move for it to move. And well since we are hear for a minute, each level, milk, bread, meat has three levels within it, babies, young people, and then like me older people. Ha, no but that is just what I have found to make sense. And but again the time to move through each of these things is dependent on your humility and efforts to allow God to bring you along in your walk.

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