Kung Fu D*ck - Enter The Destruct-o-Puss (1978)

1 month ago

"Enter The Destruct-o-P**" starring Kung Fu D*ck. KFD Part 3🥪

"Kung Fu D*ck Vs. F** Norris"

🔥Kung Fu d*ck artwork, posters, t-shirts and all the good stuff:🥪 https://atomicwax-shop.fourthwall.com/

*Dedicated to the great Carl Weathers

Written, produced, and performed by Atomic Wax using combinations of live and digital.


Destruct-o-p* was the baddest b* around.
Take you to pound town and bruise you from the waist down.
She was an evil b*,
Didn't take no sh*.
Turn that d* to mush with that afro,
Everybody knows she's Destruct-o-p*.
She had the Kung Fu kryptonite,
that Kung Fu d* tonite.
The only weakness for the Kung Fu d* was the Destruct-o-p* Kung Fu grip.

Your in deep sh* d*, kung fu d*
Get the f* up d*, get the f* up quick
She gonna Grip this d* make you look like a b* with that kung fu grip oh yeah f* yeah

D* was down and starting to fade,
Struck by the grip that Destructo-puss made.
He tried to get up but the vise was stuck,
The Kung Fu d* was super f*.
And as he was cornered and close to dead,
Visions of his master went through his head.
And he unlocked the key to the secret technique,
handed down by his teacher for student to keep.
The only way to break the Kung Fu grip,
Was with the Kung Fu p* rip

You ain't gonna beat this d*, kung Fu d*
With that kung fu grip, kung fu d*
P* rip with this d* make you look like a b* with that kung fu d* oh yeah f* yeah

Kung Fu d* broke the hold and went outta control,
He Threw a front kick to the b* and roundhouse to the t*
And unleashed the d* to do some serious sh*.
She curled like a viper and tried to unwind
And Kung Fu d* slapped that b* back in time.
And after he brought Destruct-o-p* to her knees,
He went and had himself a nice ham and cheese.

Oh the way of the d*!

You ain't gonna beat this d*, kung Fu d*
With that kung fu grip, kung fu d*
P* rip with this d* make you look like a b* with that kung fu d* oh yeah

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