More Celebrity UFO Encounters: The List Is Growing!

1 month ago

People from all levels of society encounter UFOs, and that includes the rich and famous. In fact, there is a very long list of celebrities who have come forward revealing their own dramatic UFO encounters. Actors, musicians, sports stars -- there are now about 100 cases of celebrity UFO encounters, and the list is growing fast. Here are some new ones that you may not have heard of.

JOHNNY CASH: In Feb 1981, world-famous musician Johnny Cash was in Jamaica when he had a dramatic UFO encounter. It was a clear night, and he was outside with a group of people. Suddenly a bright streaking light caught his eye. He first thought it was a shooting star. But then he saw it was oval in shape, purple in color, and was making a strange noise. As Johnny says, “It was unearthly.”

RONNIE JAMES DIO: One of the most influential heavy metal vocalists of all times, (heading such bands as Black Sabbath and Deep Purple) Ronnie is also a UFO witness. In 1978, Ronnie and his wife Donna were in their home in New Canaan, CT when they saw an enormous globe of white light. They first thought it was the moon, but then it started to move closer. “That was the presence of a UFO,” Dio says, “and we were blown away.”

ROMA DOWNEY: Best known for her starring role in “Touched by an Angel,” Roma Downey has also been touched by an alien. While in Joshua Tree, CA on Oct 21, 2020, Roma and others saw several glowing objects. When they stayed in the sky, they actually filmed one of the objects. “Something has appeared in the skies over Joshua Tree,” Roma writes, “but what is it?”

DARRELL EVANS: Baseball superstar Darrell Evans was playing for the Detroit Tigers when, in June of 1982, he and his wife LaDonna viewed a close-up UFO hover by their home in Pleasanton, CA. The object was silent, metallic, glowing and less than 200 feet away. “It was as if they wanted us to see them,” Darrell says, “as if they had singled us out.”

GIGI HADID: Super-model Gigi Hadid stunned the world when, in 2017, she described her sighting of a UFO while driving through the deserts of California. She (and others) saw a strange “bright light" in the sky. She called the experience “crazy” and “life-changing,” and now has a strong interest in the subject of UFOs.

REINHOLD MESSNER: The most famous mountain climber in the world, it should come as no surprise that Reinhold has joined the ranks of celebrity UFO witnesses. While climbing Mount Chamblang in the Himalayas, he and climbing partner Doug Scott saw a glowing UFO for a period of three hours! Reinhold says that the object was “the size of a full moon.” Doug says “The movements of this object were irregular.”

DOUG PINNICK. Lead singer for the heavy metal band, Kings X, Doug Pinnick shocked the world when he said, “I was abducted by an alien.” One night, at age three, a beautiful man “like Jesus” appeared in the bedroom of his home in Braidwood, IL. He was led outside where he saw other similar figures. A bright light shone down and lifted him up into the sky. Years later, watching Ancient Aliens, he saw drawings of the same exact beings.

WILL SMITH: One of the most successful actors of modern times, Oscar-winner Will Smith has starred in a long list of blockbuster movies such as Independence Day, Men in Black and others. One night while driving with a friend through the Nevada desert, he saw a hovering white light, which swooped down in front of his vehicle and disappeared. “I was scared,” Will admitted. “I think there has to be something out there.”

DENNIS WEAVER: Award-winning actor Dennis Weaver is best known for his role in the TV series, McCloud. In March 1986, he and his wife Gerry had a close-up sighting of a metallic cigar-shaped object over their home in Ridgway, CO. “We just stood there and stared at it,” said Dennis. “It was certainly something that was totally unidentified, something I’d never seen before.”

KIM WILDE: Creator of the mega-hit, “We’re the Kids in America,” UK-popstar Kim Wilde saw a bright darting light over her home. “It was a UFO,” she says. “I can’t believe it.” She was so impressed, she titled her new album, “Here Come the Aliens.”

CINDY WILLIAMS: Comedic actress Cindy Williams was the co-star of the sit-com, Laverne & Shirley, which was at one point, the single most popular show on television. While in San Bernardino, CA, Cindy and others saw a fleet of orange and purple discs zooming across the sky. Says Cindy, “It was like they were trying to announce their presence to us.”

As can be seen, the UFO occupants visit all kinds of people on our planet, regardless of age, ancestry, religion, sex, occupation, location, education…etc. Or could it be that they are visiting famous people intentionally, putting on a display in the hopes that celebrities will come forward and use their platform to tell the world that UFOs are real?

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