Stand-up Comedy: GenX & Cancel Culture

30 days ago

For reasons I’ll never understand, both sides of the political spectrum believe that cancel culture is something the other side invented, and that the other side practices.

Except, both sides do it.

The left immediately excludes anyone who dares to make a joke about a sensitive topic.

The right excommunicates anyone who doesn’t swear absolute fealty to the Cheeto God.

What happened to just living your own life, and letting others live theirs?

Maybe it’s a symptom of being so unhappy with ourselves, we feel the need to champion change in others. It’s always easier to yell about what someone else is doing than to change yourself.

Well, this is certainly a somewhat serious description for a video that is designed to get a laugh out of the viewer.

(The live audience certainly enjoyed the bit, which was nice.)

Then again, maybe it’s all tapping on a keyboard in search of the proper algorithm-friendly buzzwords; things that will make YouTube say, “Hey… This fella here has over 100,000,000 views, and 140,000 subscribers… Maybe we should put him into more feeds.”


That would make too much sense, wouldn’t it?

(Of course, you need to alter those numbers when it comes to Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, but you get the picture.)

Either way, enjoy.

Have a giggle, and move on with your day with a smile upon your face.

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