Random Read: Move The Fuck Around

1 month ago

✨ For Entertainment Purposes Only ✨

✨ If It Doesn't Apply, Let It Fly ✨

#FireSigns ( #Aries, #Leo, #Sagittarius )

#EarthSigns ( #Taurus, #Virgo, #Capricorn )

#AirSigns ( #Gemini, #Libra, #Aquarius )

#WaterSigns ( #Cancer, #Scorpio, #Pisces )

Karmics: A difficult relationship. A soul sent to teach you a lesson and to almost bring out the worst in you. Usually comes into your life to destroy a dark side of you.

Twin Flames: Someone who shares the exact same soul as you. Usually sent to heal you and normally a kick start to a spiritual awakening in your life. Souls who mirror each other.

Soulmates: A soul connected to your soul of many lifetimes as your companion. A Safe & Stable Relationship with lots of understanding. A soul who brings out the best in you.

Ancestors: Any person from whom one is descended. A person who was in someone's family in past times. Either a parent or the parent of a parent and so on and so forth.

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