Live Broadcast: Let Freedom Ring

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Prophetic Word from 1/22/25:
Tell My people big plans are in store to restore the American people so that they can be strong once more and focused on Me. There will be devastation. There will be death and destruction. Major cities will be attacked. My hand is working through your enemies to bring about My judgment. It will not make sense to you and it will confound you, children. But you are to not fear. No fear, for I am warning you of impending doom for your enemies. Evil works for Me. I own them and use them for My purposes. O, United States, you will be confounded, but do not fear. I am near. I am with you and I protect Mine anointed. Go forth children confidently, confidently in your God. Abide in Me and I shall abide in you. I shall abide in you. Be a vessel of My love that I can flow through. O, you wait, O United States. You shall be restored. You shall be restored 7-fold, says the Lord.

Scriptural References:
Ezekiel 30--Symbolic representation of United States being set free from political, economic, and spiritual slavery
Ezekiel 14--4 sore judgments
Revelation 6:1-8--4 horse spirits of the end time and 4 sore judgments
John 15--Abiding in Christ

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