Bioage Microalgae Supplement

1 month ago


Dr. Thomas Roland

The extraordinary nutrients in Bio-Algae Concentrates (microalgae blends) efficiently nourish your cells. These well-nourished cells transform your health, and your improved health
will transform your life. This knowledge will change your beliefs about algae, food, and wellness. I wrote about the research and development of Bio-Algae Concentrates as an eBook, and at this link: Awakening
the Genius Within. I highly recommend that you take the time to read this book. It relates the fifteen years of advanced research on Bio-Algae Concentrates as led by scientist and researcher Dr. Michael
Kiriac as he was sponsored by the Academy of Sciences of the former Soviet Union. It depicts the life and times of Dr. Kiriac in Russia and in the decades since. A summary of the book is also available upon request where you will see clips of the research
center, an advanced bioreactor of the time, Dr. Kiriac, the “Man of the Year”, and much more.


Roland Thomas, PhD, NMD is President and founder of BIOAGE, and editor of its wellness letter. Mr. Thomas has been a holistic health
enthusiast since his first exposure to yoga and vegetarianism 50 years ago. He has since continued pursuing holistic health, studying and practicing eastern nutritional medicine, and self-healing practices like Hatha and Kundalini yoga. Later, while studying
advanced nutrition, energy medicine, Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Chi Running, Roland began teaching concepts of super-nutrition.

He is the author of books on the science of bio-nutrition: The Magic is Back and Awakening the Genius Within. Frequent speaker and
radio guest, Roland lectures and educates clients on holistic health and the science of super-nutrition throughout Canada and the USA. Roland is a science graduate from the University of Montreal and a member of the American Naturopathic Medical Association.
He has obtained a Doctorate in Natural Health from the Trinity College of Natural Health and a Doctorate in Natural Medicine from IQUIM (Integrated Quantum University of Integrated Medicine).

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