Week 14

1 month ago

Including the development of situational awareness with the physical perception practice engages the participants mental and physical energy. Layering these two concepts strengthens the participants sensory experience. It should be noted that, to avoid cognitive overload, each concept must be mastered before increasing the cognitive load. Frustration and confusion is a sure sign that one concept has not been fully integrated. Avoid moving participants out a designated playing area into an open space until their comfort with the blocking practice is seemless. Remember, the blocking terminology is being used to develop a uniform language for this practice. The facilitator and the participant must use agreed upon language (blocking terms) in order to fine tune their physical perception and kinesthetic awareness practice. But once this perspective is habitual, the participant will benefit from increased balance and posture.


Manual https://a.co/d/dStPeT9
Journal https://a.co/d/eVshrX5

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