Interrogating A Trinitarian About This Fully God/Man Business That They Have Invented For Jesus

1 month ago

00:01:55 Now this trinitarian is adding to the word of God.
00:03:45 The words "take on" are not in the text.
00:04:50 Now he is trying to escape from the trap.
00:06:05 Time to mess up the 3 gods in one being nonsense of the trinitarians.
00:07:50 Acts 17:24-28
00:11:25 Time for the eternally begotten made up stuff of the trinitarians.
00:17:35 Trinitarians never say Jesus is in the form of God.
00:24:10 These trinitarians have made up some amazing excuses to validate their belief.
00:27:35 Confounded
00:29:10 Trinitarians seem to get confused about their invented stuff.
00:31:25 He is sounding like a gnostic at the moment.
00:33:30 Leviticus 17:11
00:36:50 Trinitarians are denying that Jesus life was in His human blood.
00:37:55 So Jesus had 2 lives?
00:38:30 confounded
00:40:05 confounded
00:40:25 Trinitarians put themselves above the word of God

In this video I am speaking to Anthony the trinitarian about how they have messed up Jesus atonement with his blood, by saying that he is not a full human, like is required in Leviticus 17, but they instead he is part man and part god. Trinitarians have ended up in this mess, because they tried to change the Christian faith in order to please the pagans, while the original Apostles did not care about the pagans beliefs, so they did not have a reason for inventing the trinity.

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