The Proto-Robots of Antiquity | Kings and Things

9 hours ago

Robots may seem like a completely modern phenomenon, but the idea of creating artificial beings is by no means new. In this video we’ll look at the ancient predecessors of our modern robots, and see their development from a concept in mythology, to the earliest simple devices, and finally to full-fledged self-moving statues.
It has been predicted that Robots will be in our homes doing manual labor and taking care of chores to free up the family for more intellectual and spiritual pursuits.

People worry about jobs being lost to robots. That is the entire point is to free up Huemanity for more worthwhile projects to ensure what we were made to do in the Golden Age.
“What humanity needs is ideals. Idealism is the force that will free us from material fetters“ NIKOLAI TESLA. “We are all automatons,” he reflected, “obeying external influences.

We are entirely under the control of agents that beat on our senses from all directions of the outside world.

Being merely receivers from the outside, it is a very important question how good the receivers are - some are sensitive and receive accurately.

Others are sluggish and their reception is blurred. The individual who is a better machine has so much greater chance of achieving success and happiness.

An individual who is an offender of law is a machine in which one or another organ has been deranged, so that the responses are no longer accurate.

“There is no chance in nature, although the modern theory of indeterminacy attempts to show scientifically that events are governed by chance. I positively deny that.

The causes and effects, however complex, are intimately linked, and the result of all inferences must be inevitably fixed as by a mathematical formula.

“I also absolutely deny the existence of individuality. It took me not less than twenty years to develop a faculty to trace every thought or act of mine to an external influence.

We are just waves in time and space, changing continuously, and the illusion of individuality is produced through the concatenation of the rapidly succeeding phases of existence.

What we define as likeness is merely the result of the symmetrical arrangement of molecules which compose our body.”

“What humanity needs is ideals. Idealism is the force that will free us from material fetters.”
-Nikolai Tesla”

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