CCP Uses Social Media Platforms to Meddle in Western Elections

10 days ago

01/22/2025 James Paterson @SenPaterson, Shadow Minister for Home Affairs & Cyber Security of Australia: Microsoft revealed that CCP created bots on social media platforms like X to target several U.S. politicians who have been critical of the Chinese government. Its aim was to damage these candidates and influence the election outcome ahead of the election. We've seen it in Canada and elsewhere in the Western world as well. It's utterly corrosive to our democracy.
#ElectionInterferrence #SocialMedia #CCP #Bots #informationwarfare #democracy
01/22/2025 澳大利亚影子内政部长和网络安全部长詹姆斯·帕特森:据微软披露,中共在X等社交媒体平台上创建大量机器人账号,攻击多名批评中国政府的美国政界人士。其目的是在选举前抹黑这些候选人,以影响其选举结果。我们也在加拿大和西方世界的其他地方看到了类似情况。这对我们的民主制度极具腐蚀性。
#干预选举 #社交媒体 #中共 #网络水军 #信息战 #民主

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