LoRa Arduino Home Automation using ESP8266 Blynk IoT LoRa WiFi

1 month ago

In this Lora project, I have shown how to make LoRa Arduino Home Automation using ESP8266 Blynk IoT with real-time feedback. Explained both the transmitter and receiver LoRa circuit using the RYLR998 LoRa module and source code to control the relays with the Blynk IoT platform.

PCBA from $0 (Free Setup, Free Stencil) https://jlcpcb.com/RHS

Download PCB Gerber file for the transmitter LoRa ESP8266 circuit

LoRa module Purchase Link:
Official website: https://reyax.com/tw/products/?term_i...
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3FNjsc9
TechDesign: https://www.techdesign.com/market/rey...
REYAX Indian Distributor: https://www.cparkb2c.in/product/reyax...

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