Who Ripped Up the Soiled Crinklz? (Warning: Poop) (January 2024)

10 days ago

Andrew films a ripped up soiled Crinklz brand ABDL diaper, claiming that Tucker ripped it up. Immediately next to the destroyed diaper is a large, now empty, container of cat treats.

As the recording progresses, Andrew complains about how his father did not wake him up, which caused Andrew to 'not be on routine,' to not feed the dogs, and which ultimately resulted in the dogs eating cat treats and Andrew's diaper.

0:07 – Andrew points lavender Febreze at his dog, Tucker, who is already sneezing, and sprays it towards him.

Original title: This is why I need a routine because I need to be reminded
Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: January 11, 2024

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