Haggai KJV

1 month ago

The book of Haggai is about the rebuilding of the temple during a time when the Israelites had started the work on the temple yet neglected it for many years. At this point the prophet Haggai comes to the Israelites to prompt them to begin again on the work that they started. What Haggai reveals to us in our modern age is how easy it is to neglect the building of His temple in your heart due to the distractions in this world and the temptations around you. Haggai is calling out to us to become the righteous men and women of God and to not neglect the building of His temple in your heart. The Holy Spirit now dwells within us. We are the temple of God now. Let not your love for Christ dwindle away but use this book to encourage you to come into the life of Christ that we can obtain when we focus on that which God has already started within you.

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