A, words that start with the letter A song

4 hours ago

Beepzoop dropping words, that start with the Letter ,A
definitions we state, just facts that relate.
From Aba to Abdominally, knowledge will grow,
The boy and the bot with a dictionary flow.

A, the start of it all, we begin the way,
Aa flows like lava, erupting today.
Aal's a plant, slim, graceful in sight,
Aardvark digging deep in the African night.

The letter A, A, A , A hurray for A The letter A

Aardwolf on the prowl, termites on its plate,
Aargh, a shout, when things frustrate.
Aaronic priesthood, ancient in the line,
Ab’s a prefix, meaning to resign.

Aba's a cloth, worn in style,
Abac’s a frame, weaving thread in a pile.
Abaca’s a fiber, strong and refined,
Abacus counts, the math of its time.

The letter A, A, A , A hurray for A The letter A

Abaft the stern, on a ship you’ll find,
Abandon to leave, in body or mind.
Abandoned means left, no longer cared,
Abandonment's the act, a feeling unshared.

Abase is to humble, bring low with disgrace,
Abased is the state, when you’re out of place.
Abasement’s the noun for the act performed,
Abash to confuse, leave someone forewarned.

The letter A, A, A , A hurray for A The letter A

Abashed is the feeling, embarrassed and shy,
Abate means to lessen, make the level apply.
Abated, it’s done, the storm is now calm,
Abatement’s the process, reducing the qualm.

The letter A, A, A , A hurray for A The letter A

Abatis defends with branches in rows,
Abattoir’s where livestock finally goes.
Abaxial’s away from the plant’s central line,
Abaya's a garment, modestly designed.

Abbey’s a place where monks gather round,
Abbot’s the leader, where rules are found.
Abbott’s a name, could be someone you know,
Abbreviate shortens, making words flow.

The letter A, A, A , A hurray for A The letter A

Abbreviated words are concise to the ear,
Abbreviation's the concept, perfectly clear.
Abdicate’s to give up, the throne’s out of reach,
Abdicated kings let their rule breach.

The letter A, A, A , A hurray for A The letter A

Abdication’s the act, of leaving the throne,
Abdomen’s the core, where strength is shown.
Abdominal relates to the body inside,
Abdominally we end, definitions applied.

Ohh let's get a Hooray for ,A
The letter A, A, A , A hurray for A The letter A
The letter A, A, A , A hurray for A The letter A

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