5 hours ago

CLONING ?? does it happen, have they got the technology and ability to be able to clone people?, I sincerely believe they do., they were successfully cloning animals almost 30 years ago, There are really really large ships that travel outside to waters that have no ownership or laws from any country they are basically neutral and technically if someone is for example to commit murder in those waters there is no department no government or authority force that has jurisdiction to come and intervene, [International Waters] there’s been very strong rumours cloning has been going on in such locations for over 20 years, we have an organisation here in Australia called the CSIRO and I remember very clearly they had cloned their first sheep successfully and that was 20-25yrs ago, so I know there is obviously a lot more involved with a human as opposed to an animal but it stands to reason doesn’t it if they can clone successfully an animal 25 years ago I’m thinking theres at least a handful of Cloned walking the Earth as we speak right now, a lot of of the Hollywood celebrity conspiracies where the artist has allegedly died and they cloned someone to take their place. I don’t believe that too much I would lean towards that being a body double or someone very similar in appearance but yeah, the elite the club, the circle, the club within the club, obviously average Joe middle class blue colour workers such as myself will never ever be in the Elite, you would need not to be millionaires but billionaires with a B I imagine .. please share any comments opinions thoughts on the subject. Do you believe planning is possible? Has it been going on for a long time or just a fairytale ??

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