Illegal Migrant Has Received $63,000 Worth of Hotel Accommodations In 6 Months + 4 Oral Surgeries

2 months ago


This Venezuelan migrant, in the US illegally recently went on a live stream to tell us about all of the benefits she's been receiving in New York City.

She defiantly claims, "No one will remove us from here. Not even Trump will get us out"

She's "only been in the US" for 6 months, where she's been receiving:

- 6 months' FREE hotel stay in New York City, where the rooms are $350 per night = $63,000 worth of hotel accommodations (so far).

- FREE Dental Surgery on 4 teeth.

- FREE nails done (tax payers paid $50 to her nail stylist)

- FREE $30 Nail Care follow ups (paid for by taxpayers)

– She wants papers now, so she can move away from New York and work legally elsewhere in the country.



Podcaster, VegaAxis: This Venezuelan migrant recently went on a live stream to tell us about some of the cool benefits she's been receiving in New York City.

"No one will remove us from here. Not even Trump will get us out." Then she says, "You know, I've been suffering from, I've been having dental issues. So I had surgery, recently. And they helped me with four teeth. But the appointments were far away, unfortunately."

Then here, she says, "I'm in New York. I want to leave New York, but I don't have my papers yet. It's nice here, but working without papers, it's horrible. I'm desperate, to be honest."

Then, she keeps communicating with the comment section and she says, "I'm fairly new. I've been here for only six months. Only six months since I got here."

And then someone asked her, "Wow, what about your nails? How much were they?"

She says "It was $50 to get them done. But this was maintenance. And that was an additional $30."

Oh, it's only a six month free hotel stay. No big deal. An average hotel room for a migrant costs around $350 a night.

That means that she's been getting roughly over $60,000 worth of hotel accommodations.

When was the last time that any of you received a six month hotel freebie?

I hope President Trump does the right thing.

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