The Faith By Reason Patreon! – Bonus Content and Bible Study!

1 month ago

Faith By Reason is now on Patreon! This is a great way to support Faith By Reason and get access to exclusive content.

Faith By Reason examines Christian philosophy using logic, reason, and systematic analysis. As the name implies, I don’t believe there is any division between “reason” and rational faith (faith based on evidence and experience). This is the faith that the God of the Bible asks of us. God NEVER asks for “blind faith”.

The Purpose of Faith by Reason is to help Christians understand how and why our faith makes sense using logic, reason, and systematic analysis.

The best way to understand our faith and the Diety upon whom it is based, is to understand God better. We operate under the premise that not only CAN God be known, but that He WANTS to be known!

On my website, I have posted a plethora of blogs, podcasts, and videos to help Christians understand the fundamentals of Christianity. This Patreon is intended for people who want to take things to a new level with exclusive access and information.

So what do you get as a Faith By Reason Patreon?

At the Red level (Tier 1) you get:
• First access to new content. Everything I publish will be released to Patreons before it even goes on my website!
• Exclusive BONUS content. These are videos that cover things I don’t put out to the public because they are they are too deep, esoteric, theoretical or controversial (or may get me banned from other platforms).
• I answer your questions! I get a ton of questions in my public comments sections that I just don’t have time to answer, but if you are a Patreon, I will post weekly Q&A’s where I address whatever you ask! (ask questions in the chat)
• All this for only $5 per month!

At the Blue level (Tier 2) you get:
• Everything in the Red level
• Access to the “Jehovah Story Book Club” my live monthly Bible Study! We go through the entire Bible in one year with a focus on the Supernatural Worldview. We read the Bible as if it were a novel we are reading for the first time. This (formerly) private Bible study has changed so many lives that we have decided to open it up to Patreon’s for the first time!
• All this for only $10 per month

I hope you find a tier that works for you!

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