REPEAT - Spirit of Life

Streamed on:

Thursday: January 23rd 2025 | 2 PM PST | Sit-down conversation with Willie Seales – Author, Writer, Spiritualist, Motivational Speaker, and Founder & Head Shepherd of the People of God Loving Ministry (POG)

▶ Discuss his book “Spirit of Life,” and what messages the book conveys to the audience
▶ Define the “Spirit of Life,” and why is it important for people to connect with it
▶ The role of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr teachings play in influencing his writings and his ministry.

Live at 2 PM PST | 5 PM EST on YouTube LIVE: Also being broadcast live on e360tv, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Rumble.

▶ Want to be included in the Show? Interested in sponsorship opportunities? Email


Thank you for watching,
Dr. J.C.

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