Top 20 NES Games

1 month ago

Welcome to my first console exclusive list as well as the first to kick off the 2025 series! When it comes to early gaming, I can think of nothing else than the NES, the same system that brought us out of the darkness after the infamous video game crash! I was born in the late 80s and while I'd also encountered the Atari, Intellivision and Odyssey, the NES was the original GOAT! This shall be my biggest countdown yet, with 20 entries exceeding 15 which belonged to my Normal Bosses list. Just in time for my 4th anniversary on YouTube too.

Enjoy as I shall begin my gaming odyssey!

I've mentioned that a certain game is as rare and underappreciated as Super Mario Bros 2, but I meant it's rare like Little Samson.

And I've forgotten to mention that Crystalis was one of the earliest fantasies I had along with Eureka's Castle, and I'd spaced out as them having a crossover with characters from the latter assist the hero, Simea, in the former.

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