When the World is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around by The Police

30 days ago

From their Eye-Opening Third Album, Zenyatta Mondatta, where each Band Member Fully Awakened to the Lie All around them, and simultaneously, the SIMPLE TRUTHS and SOLUTIONS that awaited Mankind, if we simply had the Courage to Embrace both Father Heaven and Mother Earth...

This Brilliant song written by Sting, is about coming to the Realization that our Living within Never-ending Poverty is no Accident or Fluke, but rather Purposeful, by the Evil Ones who Needed us to become Weak and Sick, of both the Body AND the Mind, so that their Control Over us, would become Permanent...

And yet, all we Needed to do is simply Realize, that When the World is Broken, you go BACK IN TIME to what we Still Have, which is both Father Heaven and Mother Earth, where there is No Lack and Segregation, and we have a lot more than just James Brown on VHS and Otis Redding on LP (which are Great Places to start one's journey from)...

We must learn to LET GO of the Bad Habits ingrained into us by the Powers that be, and then Banish the Hands of Man and all of their Lies from our Vernacular, and replace it with Genius Truth that Comes Directly from both the Father and the Mother of All that is, and all those who Truly Serve their Will, which is Truth!

Enjoy this Beautiful Reminder from The Police, to Let Go of the Out There World, and Come Within the Divinity of your Inner Mind, which is the True Kingdom of God...

Love, CF

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Please remember Friends that Colleen and I take care of now over 100 Animals (including our Rescued Fish) here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...

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To purchase a Copy of Georgina Playsted's Wonderful Book on Animal Wisdom (all proceeds go to The Shire Animal Sanctuary)...


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Charlie Freak and Colleen:

Charlie's List of Recommended Movies to Watch on IMDB...

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