Salute Truther, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Smears Elon Musk As A Nazi

1 month ago

Posted • January 23, 2025: Nobody is happier about Trump's win than his haters. No, really. They can finally go back to pretending they're SUPER oppressed and fighting the good fight after spending the last four years becoming more and more irrelevant as their party actually DID oppress America and our people. Morons like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can get on their high horses and tell all sorts of lies to not only make themselves feel virtuous BUT to hopefully garner attention from the minority party in our country. Democrats really did a number on themselves and sadly they learned nothing. Well, sadly for them. Case in point, they're still insisting Elon Musk made a Nazi salute at Trump's rally on the night of is inauguration. -- Elon Musk @elonmusk: “The radical leftists are really upset that they had to take time out of their busy day praising Hamas to call me a Nazi.” -- They've been so annoying that even Benjamin Netanyahu himself has gotten involved:

Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו @netanyahu: “Elon Musk is being falsely smeared. Elon is a great friend of Israel. He visited Israel after the October 7 massacre in which Hamas terrorists committed the worst atrocity against the Jewish people since the Holocaust. He has since repeatedly and forcefully supported Israel’s right to defend itself against genocidal terrorists and regimes who seek to annihilate the one and only Jewish state. I thank him for this.” -- And of course, the Leftist antisemitic douchebag trolls can't deal with this: Makes morons like AOC look even dumber, right? AOC: Elon Musk can do whatever he wants behind the presidential seal, but in this country we hate Nazis. Two of the foundational things in American history are that we beat the confederates and we beat the Nazis. -- It's as if she's getting dumber in real time. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Netanyahu Takes Morons Like AOC APART for Smearing Elon Musk As a Nazi and Antisemitic Trolls Can't DEAL

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