Ascension Destination

1 month ago

Dave Emery and I discuss Conscious Evolution & Ascension destinations. Dave explains how our Earth was distorted using the false light geometry of the phantom Matrix and later talks about the 14 different reality fields.

This video was inspired by a video I saw that I felt needed a lot of answers that Dave could provide. I found the video at We Are One Rumble Channel and the presenter said that the Guardian Alliance specifically has asked for it to be shared far and wide.
this is the link:
They said an extremely rare event is about to occur:

The Guardian Alliance apparently requested the information in the video be shared with the masses to help prepare humanity for the end game.
They said that this information is vital to anyone expanding their Consciousness.

On February 28th, 2025 all seven planets will gather on the same side of the sun.
With the start of the Great Planetary Alignment, Mercury will join Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Venus and Neptune as all seven planets align in the sky!

The Guardian Alliance is sending a message to us saying that The zodiac structural principles being both energetic and geometric, are being aligned to the Alchemical Laws of God hosted by the Krystal Star.

The weakening Earth Magnetosphere and the Solar System's heliosphere are getting exponentially weaker and allowing an increasing saturation of cosmic rays into our inner solar system.

Long story short: The returning of the Spirit to the center of Unity or the process of inner Unification is activated as a Law.

For the first time, a Silver-Gold frequency is being transmitted to our Sun and planetary body Through the Silver Ray dissolving into the Golden Gate.

This alignment begins a new exposure and is transmitting a new substance, which has qualities of both Elemental Water and Elemental Aether.

This is carried in a mixture within these plasmic Silver-Gold liquid light frequencies, which make it Fire Water.

They go on to say that Fire Water is a new spiritual element being created through this alchemical process transmitted to Earth and humanity.

The river of living waters from the Mothers Creatrix, the Rainbow Krystal Waters, are going to flow out from the throne of Prime Creator Source and unify into the dimensional door of The Golden Gate.

The highest emanation of this mysterious elixir is both silver and gold, the Chalice of God which opens the portal of The Golden Gate.

The planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the Bifurcation or splitting of Time.
As we move into future time, the forthcoming split occurring between timelines will govern our continued conscious evolution expression on the earth plane.

So, during this Bifurcation of Time that we will all be experiencing, our inner energetic integrity is being tested.

Not a one of us is exempt from exposure to the massive fields of chaos, confusion and darkness that exist in the collective mind of humanity.

This is the time to take stock of how well we are coping with the madness of the earth, as the collective mind of humanity travels the Dark Night of the Soul.
Our self-mastery is measured through how we personally deal with stress and chaos, whether we are asleep or awake!

The higher the quality of overall energy, the more stable and connected the personal and environmental experience on earth will be.
The lower the quality of overall energy, the more unstable and disconnected the personal and environmental experience on earth will become.
THINK MIRROR and remember that Low Frequencies are unstable. High frequencies allow for grounding and stability. So we REALLY need to focus on maintaining as higher frequency as possible.

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