Davos and CCP

2 months ago

FLASHBACK 01/19/2022 Miles Guo: The Davos Forum controls various domains in the world such as legislation, finance, media, culture, police, and military as well as the people’s thoughts and actions. Xi Jinping and the Party of Davos are in cahoots, giving prescriptions to the world while releasing the CCP virus at the same time!
#davosparty #wef #davostianjin2008 #communistinternational #globalists #xijinping #mileswarned #crimesagainsthumanity #milesbroadcast

01/19/2022 文贵直播:达沃斯论坛掌控了全球的立法、金融、媒体、文化、警察和军事等方面,控制着人们的思想与行为;习近平和达沃斯党沆瀣一气,一边给世界开药方,一边放毒!
#达沃斯 #世界经济论坛 #天津达沃斯 #全球主义 #共产国际 #反人类 #文贵爆料 #习近平

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