#USA #Florida #BlackVultures #WeatherPhenomenon #NatureEvents #Islamorada #climate #anomaly

1 month ago

#USA #Florida #BlackVultures #WeatherPhenomenon #NatureEvents #Islamorada #climate #destruction #anomaly #climatecrisis #weather #climatechange
🇺🇸 Rare but Explainable Event: Black Vultures Falling from the Sky near Islamorada

⁉️ A rare but explainable phenomenon occurred in the Gulf Stream near Islamorada, Florida, as numerous black vultures fell from the sky. Experts explain that such events are often linked to weather changes.

Black vultures rely on warm air currents, or thermals, to stay aloft. Sudden shifts in wind or a lack of these upward currents can result in a loss of lift. During storms or harsh weather, they can become disoriented or weakened due to abrupt drops in temperature or pressure, which can lead to their falling.

In short, a combination of weather factors—such as shifting winds or the absence of thermals—is the most likely cause of this event.

📹 @15_Stellar

🤔 The cause is the cycle of serious climate disasters that occur every 12,000 years.

‼️ You can tame climate Cerberus by:
🔺 Reanimate the ocean (condense water from the air).
🔺 Create a shield against cosmic influence.
🔺 Unload tectonic plates.
🔺 To degas volcanoes.

🔴 To realize this - it is necessary to create a single scientific center. And this requires the united efforts of all mankind!

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