I'll Bet P&O Cruises Australia Wash Thier Staff Uniforms At Tom's Laundromat

1 month ago

Posted • January 22, 2025: We've heard a lot of talk on Twitter for the past couple of days about 'Nazis' and 'Nazi salutes.' Most of that has come from leftists in America who are either too dumb to realize how ridiculous they sound talking about an innocent crowd gesture by Elon Musk or they are deliberately trying to perform their usual gaslighting. This is one of those times we should probably embrace the power of 'AND.' But what if, all along, the REAL threat of Aryan white supremacism and master races was not coming from someone innocent like Musk (or from grandmothers strolling through the U.S. Capitol), but rather from … Australian cruise lines? Wait, what? Yes, it may be true. This morning, The New York Post published a story about a Christmas event held by P&O Cruises Australia where the ship's staff had a … well, let's just say an 'unfortunate' costume idea. A costume idea that was paired with the historical awareness of your average wombat.

Australian cruise passengers shocked as staff dress up as ‘KKK members.’ If you are slapping your face with your palms right now, you are not alone. Talk about your all-time 'boomerangs' of a costume stunt. The staff members all look like former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam's in his college yearbook. -- “P&O Cruises Australia issued an apology after footage surfaced online of a group of eight staff walking through the pool deck of the ship wearing their white cleaning uniforms and pointy hats. 'Is this appropriate for 2024?' a passenger captioned the clip after uploading it to Facebook. The cruise company says the housekeeping crew had no idea what they looked like when they chose to dress up as 'upside down snow cones' for the event during a Pacific Explorer voyage from Melbourne to Hobart in December.” -- Wait … did they just say they were dressed up as snow cones? Upside down snow cones? And that was supposed to be Christmas-related? Huh?

Who knew that P&O Cruises Australia is owned and operated by Southern Democrats? Jesus was asked for comment and said, 'Nuh-uh. No WAY am I getting dragged into this mess. You're on your own, Aussies.' (…)

• More at: Twitchy - WHAT Were They ThinKKKing? Australian Cruise Staff Picks the WORST Outfits for Christmas Event
New York Post: Cruise passengers horrified as workers parade around while dressed as ‘KKK members’ — and their explanation is mystifying
Rumble: WHAT Were They ThinKKKing? Australian Cruise Staff Picks The WORST Outfits For Christmas Event

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