RTTU S3E3 with special guest Tony Rodrigues

1 month ago

Come join me in welcoming Tony Rodrigues back onto Riding Through the Unknown. TONY RODRIGUES IS A 20 YEAR TOUR EXPERIENCER, AUTHOR OF THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY CERES COLONY CAVALIER AND ITS SEQUEL, PROJECT STARMAKER. He recently wrote Beyond Sight. HE HOSTS WEEKLY MEETUPS THROUGH “TALKS WITH TONY,” A PATREON GROUP FOCUSED ON DISCLOSURE, CONSCIOUSNESS EXPANSION, AND REMOTE VIEWING. HAS CREATED A MEMORY RECALL COURSE FOR OTHERS WHO SUSPECT THEY MAY HAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN SIMILAR PROGRAMS. Tony Rodrigues is a Secret Space and Classified Programs experiencer and the author of three best-selling books sharing his personal account. In addition he teaches remote viewing, remote influencing phenomena, and long-term memory therapy, Hosted weekly on his Patreon. Tony actively speaks and hosts conferences focused on truth exploration, helping others delve into deeper understandings of hidden realities.

You can find him at https://www.tonyrodrigues.com/ and psiion.com

You can view our show on the Etalk.tv network via the following link: https://www.etalk.tv/tetsu. You can also view our show on Rumble.com via the following link: https://rumble.com/c/RidingThroughtheUnknown and LinkedIn.com via the following link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-kopf-a161ab28b/.

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