Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Bill

1 month ago

Things to ask about the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Bill, more formally known as Senate Bill 1979:

Section 12 states that adolescents below 15 years are exempted from getting parental consent if they have engaged or are engaging in sexual activity.

1. Why is parental consent not required in the case of adolescents under 15 engaging in sexual activity?

2. What qualifies as "engaging in sexual activity" to bypass parental consent?

3. How is "sexual abuse" defined for this context, and who determines this?

Section 6 states that schools (and parents) cannot refuse delivery of CSE.

4. What is the effect of this provision on parents' rights as primary guardians of their children?

5. Why is the government mandating CSE at the national level rather than delegating this authority to LGUs or local communities?

Section 6 also states that CSE material will be integrated into the curriculum rather than be its own subject.

6. Why is CSE being integrated into the curriculum rather than a subject on its own?

7. What measures will be taken to ensure that delivery is being done by a qualified professional?

8. How can the bill ensure that the burden doesn't fall on overworked and underpaid teachers?

On funding:

9. What funding mechanisms will be used to support these social protection measures?

10. How much will this program cost the taxpayers?

On adoption of international CSE standards:

11. Which standards will be adopted? Which standards will NOT be adopted?

12. Who gets to review and approve the standards to be adopted?

13. What is the involvement of parents or parent advocates in deciding which standards to adopt?

furthermore, what i see when reading the bill is
risa wants to standardize and normalize L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.,
remove teens ages from 10-19 from parental protection and put them under the care of the so called created council that can influence them. the ages 10-19 is a critical stage for humans since it is the stage where teen decides their Identity and Role Confusion

What Are Identity and Role Confusion?
As they transition from childhood to adulthood, teens may begin to feel confused or insecure about themselves and how they fit into society. As they seek to establish a sense of self, teens may experiment with different roles, activities, and behaviors. This is important to the process of forming a strong identity and developing a sense of direction in life.

and since this stage is crucial problems can arise like Role confusion that can have lasting consequences on a person's life, including Difficulties with commitment, Worse mental health and well-being, Weak sense of self or Lack of confidence.

with these, youth is the most susceptible to nurturing especially for those that want the youth to follow what they want to them, example is, the terrorists group C.P.P.N.P.A has been honing youth to replenish their members, and also the churches are doing the same, and some churches are even promoting L.G.B.T.Q.I.A. which according to american president Donald Trumph is that it is pure lunacy.

As our hero says that the youth is the future of our country, thus the government should focus on protecting the future of the country and not let them be guided by international nor terrorist's idealism and chaotic lunacy such as promoting L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.

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