Fattened for Slaughter: The Danger of Ignoring Justice | James 5:4-6

18 days ago

We’re wrapping up the book of James—what a journey it’s been! If you’re looking for your next study, grab the Ecclesiastes Journal now.

Imagine your paycheck calling you out, your investment account filing a complaint, or your success story turning against you. That’s the powerful image James paints—a scene where the rewards of our labor, when handled unjustly, become witnesses against us in God’s courtroom. Their testimony isn’t just about the money but the motives behind it. They cry out, “Fraud!” “Cheat!”—their voices so loud and clear that they echo all the way to the throne of heaven.

Welcome to the Daily. Our text today is James 5:4-6.

Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. You have lived on the earth in luxury and in self-indulgence. You have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter. You have condemned and murdered the righteous person. He does not resist you. — James 5:4-6

James boldly calls out the wealthy oppressors who exploit workers to fund their lives of luxury. His language pulls no punches: “crying out,” “kept back,” “fattened,” “condemned,” and “murdered.”

The imagery here is vivid. The phrase “crying out” recalls Abel’s blood crying from the ground (Genesis 4:10) and the groaning of the Israelites in Egypt (Exodus 2:23). The word “fattened” likens these oppressors to animals unwittingly being prepared for slaughter—judgment is coming.

Here’s the point: God values justice—especially economic justice. He isn’t against wealth itself. Scripture is full of wealthy people—Abraham, Job, David, Solomon—who honored God with their resources. But when wealth is gained at the expense of others, it leads to oppression, and God will hold us accountable.

So what does this mean for us?

God cares deeply about how we treat others. He cares about how you’re compensated at work and how you compensate others if you’re in a position of influence. But more than that, this is a call to examine our stewardship. Are you using what God has entrusted to you to bless others, or are you fattening your heart for a day of reckoning?

Again, wealth isn’t the issue—it’s about justice, generosity, and integrity. Let’s use our resources to reflect God’s character and expand His kingdom.

Examine your heart today. Are there cries around you that you’ve ignored? Are you stewarding well? One day, we’ll stand before the Lord of hosts. I want to stand there with clean hands, a pure heart, and a life fully spent for Him.

#EconomicJustice, #BiblicalStewardship, #James5Study

How do you ensure your wealth and resources reflect God’s character?
What does justice in your workplace or home look like?
Are there cries of injustice around you that you’ve ignored?
How can you use your resources to expand God’s kingdom this week?
Examine your finances today—ensure you are stewarding them with justice, generosity, and integrity.

Lord, search my heart and motives today. Help me to steward what You’ve entrusted to me with justice, integrity, and generosity. Amen.

Generous Giver.

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