10 days ago

Kanye did tell us all a long time ago, but no one was listening because we were all being told that he was crazy, after doing a little bit of homework on him and what was going on in his life I am convinced the man himself is far far from crazy, eccentric a little bit quirky maybe also bordering on a genius he has gone through and been put through some absolutely horrific situations pretty much all at one time so a few rants and footage we’ve seen of him making wild hard to get your head around allegations without knowing all the facts yep I understand why the majority including myself assumed Ye was losing his shït, & the powers that be and certain elements decided to label him crazy & most of the world bought it, however unlike most I can hold my hand up and admit I just assumed he was because we were being told but after looking into it myself and doing a lot of research on Kanye more so what was going on with him at the time i can only say it was regrettable I didn’t look into things for myself sooner the man has endured literally HELL on earth, [having his kids ripped from his life and taken where he did not know where they were they were safe had absolutely no contact with them, Coupled with his Dear old mum Passing away in the most suspicious of circumstances and yet he came out of it all on the other side and still soldiering on, I am most certainly listening now. What’s your thoughts on Kanye West ??

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