@jamieforbes. Aberdeen police at their best.

7 hours ago

Who has been jailed so far? Will the pirc investigation team be jailed for a misleading enquiry? The girl and workmen pointed right at the flat that Jamie was in. How could they fail? Did the police set Jamie up as they do in Aberdeen. Is that why they decided to ignore the witnesses and chose to allow the torture and eventual death because the police had it in for him? Get the uniforms off their backs and name and shame these officers Sargent inspectors the lot. We believe there are more victims of police corruption . Kimberly Baff has had multiple panic attacks and two strokes because of police harassment. Killed her fuckin dogs using sex offenders and wife beaters and people who abused animals , mutilated them beyond all recognition and stuffed them into suitcases. The police protected the wife beater and the sex offenders to the hilt. Police told the community that I was kimberly's father that had raped her as a child. Then told others I was a pedo cop called robot cop PC James Fraser from Inverness. Coerced people who told us that there was a plan to kill disability dogs into making false statements against us. We recorded everything. We have the evidence. Are we the next Jamie Forbes on the police's hit list?

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