Baby Boy Smiles When He Hears Mom And Dad’s Voices For Very First Time

6 years ago

You know why we are always excited about baby videos? Because it is always a thrill to see what these tiny humans have in store for us! You can never predict what they will do, and that is so exciting!

The first few milestones in a baby’s life are huge for the parents and of course, they want to capture it all on camera, for posterity. It seems like in the “old days", when there were tapes and people had to plan carefully what they were going to record to keep or not, there were far bigger chance that you will actually capture the good stuff right on time.

Today, in the digital world, we can capture and record stuff to our heart’s content, but to little avail. Good thing we don’t have to keep those videos permanently, so we delete the stuff we do not like and try, try again.

There is a belief that babies are born as tabula rasa, a blank page, eager to write their experience of this world they live in on those pages. They have to learn everything from scratch and it’s pure survival instinct that makes them the most eligible students. Everything from the very first breath they take, to the first chew and the first coherent speech is new for them, and an absolute delight to their parents.

It is too precious to just watch your kid grow within a moment’s time. It’s like you held them in the palms of your hands only yesterday, and today they are screaming ‘mama’ at the tops of their lungs.

It is a truly remarkable moment to witness the reaction on your child’s face the moment they hear your voice for the first time. They stare in wonder, looking for the direction from where that glorious sound is coming from. It is amazing to see the look of pure awe when they realize that you’re the one talking to them. Now, imagine what these parents felt when their child started hearing for the first time with the help of a hearing aid. It is truly remarkable.

Babies are adorable, there’s no denying it. We could watch them all day long and still not have enough of them. There is something about them that makes them so captivating, we hang onto every little goo and every little gaa, and we’re craving to see their antics day after day. They are truly the best.

The greatest ones can even exhibit a bit of a mischievous behavior. They would always keep us on our toes with their goofiness. We’ve seen them cry over the last cookie even though it was never meant for them, we’ve seen them laugh in our faces when we’re feeling down but it never stops our spirits from lifting. They are the real miracle workers.

What do you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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