1986 Radio Series - THE CIA IN AUSTRALIA - Part 1

9 days ago

Transcript radio documentary, Part 1 of a 6 part series. Watching brief, PRNS, October 1986

I searched and searched for the original audio and only found the transcript. So I decided to recreate it.
Did my best to give you a name and face to go with each voice.

Reproduced by The Hollow Perth Perspective

Originally produced by Tony Douglas with the assistance of Andrew Phillips in New York.
You heard former CIA agents Ralph McGehee and Victor Marchetti; journalists Brian Toohey and Gerry Harant, co-author of the book ROOTED IN SECRECY.

Next week THE LOANS AFFAIR, Sir John Kerr and continuing CIA operations inside the Australian Labor movement.

Transcript by Jose Gutierrez
Transcript Link

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