Let's Get Pete Home!

2 months ago

Story: Pete is a courageous man who fought for his freedom and justice through an unjust system. After being wrongfully incarcerated for four years, Pete was exonerated last week. All the charges against him were overturned, and he has been declared innocent. But despite his exoneration, he is stuck in Northern California, unable to return home to his family in Kentucky. Why? Because the government is holding onto his identification and personal belongings, leaving him stranded with no way to fly home.

Pete’s story is not just about one man; it is a reflection of the countless others affected by the January 6th situation. Many who were wrongfully convicted or caught up in the system are still suffering in silence. Pete’s fight has been long and arduous, but his heart remains strong. Despite the challenges, he is thankful for his freedom and the chance to be reunited with his loved ones.

But he can’t do this alone.

We are raising $111,000 to help Pete get back on his feet, cover his immediate needs, and finally get him home to his family in Kentucky. The funds will assist with travel expenses, personal identification recovery, and ongoing legal battles as Pete rebuilds his life after a traumatic and unjust ordeal.

Pete is a man who, after four years of wrongful imprisonment, is still standing strong. He deserves to be with his family, to have his life back, and to heal from the scars of this system. Every contribution, big or small, will bring Pete one step closer to freedom.

Please help us get Pete home. It’s time to bring this man, who was wronged by the system, back to the people who love him. Thank you for your generosity, your prayers, and your support. Let’s get Pete home.

Donation Link:

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