Elon Musk Sparks Controversy O.K. But We At This Channel Ask Why Are People So Stupid Today

1 month ago

I Remember The Democrats Party Said All White People Are "Nazi" ? But We At This Channel Ask Why Are People So Stupid Today In 2025 ? So Is It Free Speech Or Not Free Speech ? O My God Its The End Of The World Today... In Jan. 20 2025... A hand gesture really by billionaire Elon Musk during a speech at Donald Trump's inauguration is causing and sparks controversy. At a celebratory rally in Washington, while thanking the crowd, the world's richest man slapped his right hand to his chest and extended his arm outward in a gesture that some say resembled a Nazi salute. some say its a Olympics salute. some say its a Bellamy salute and other say its the U.S.A. Pledge Of Allegiance Salute From 1892 thru December 22, 1942.

So Again We At This Channel Ask Why Are People So Stupid Today ? "Open Your Eye Before You Die" So For Over 50 Years 100+ Millions American Did The U.S.A. Pledge of Allegiance Salute At School, Forth Of July, In Congress Etc. For A Total Of Over A Billion Times In The Last 50 Years 1892 Thru Dec. 1942 Wow !

As a philosophy professor in the US, I would say that at least Americans (though not American students, thankfully) are becoming stupid. I am an evidentialist who holds that people are morally justified in believing things only insofar as the evidence warrants, such that believing under evidenced claims that one simply wants to be true is epistemically immoral. Certainly, since the 2016 presidential campaigns, Americans are believing under evidenced claims at an alarmingly increasing rate each day. The "fake news" phenomenon has profoundly contributed to this rise of stupidity and, I would argue, epistemic immorality.

This is literally the problem with the media and all the fake news in our country and globally today. We all watched it happen live on TV... So Democrats Party and other said I've never seen such a blatant nazi salute in my entire life, and he did it twice. If he walked on stage and took a Sh*t, would we be debating if it was a big turd or an artistic expression of his free speech?

You don't accidentally thumb your chest and forcefully raise your right hand like that with your hand completely straight and grimacing aggressively. There's no room for interpretation. So Again I Remember The Democrats Party Said All White People Are "Nazi" ?

The United States population in 1920 was recorded as 106,021,537, marking a 15.0% increase from the 1910 census. This was the first time the United States population exceeded 100 million. The census also showed that the urban population had reached 50% by 1920, partly due to 9 million European immigrants.

So Now Its The 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin were marked by various salutes and gestures, some of which were controversial. Here are some notable salutes from that event:

French Team Salute: During the opening ceremonies, the entire French team gave a straight-arm salute as they passed Adolf Hitler’s box. This was interpreted as a Nazi salute, leading to accusations that the French Olympic committee was pro-Nazi. The committee later clarified that it was an “Olympic salute” similar to the Roman salute.

American Military Salute: Cornelius Johnson, David Albritton, and Delos Thurber, who won gold, silver, and bronze medals in the men’s high jump, performed an American military salute at their medal ceremony. This was seen as a response to Hitler’s snub of Jesse Owens, who was not acknowledged by Hitler after winning his first gold medal.

Bellamy Salute: Johnson, Albritton, and Thurber also performed a straight-armed salute with palms turned upward, which was interpreted as a patriotic and defiant act in response to Hitler’s snub. This salute was similar to the Bellamy salute, a gesture used during the Pledge of Allegiance in the United States at that time.

Nazi Salute by Spectators: Spectators often gave the Nazi salute during medal ceremonies, which was a common practice at the time in Germany.

Olympic Salute: The Olympic salute, which resembles raising a hand in class, was used by athletes and officials during the Games. However, it was discontinued after the 1936 Olympics due to its resemblance to the Nazi salute.

American Military Salute at Medal Ceremonies: Some American athletes, like Johnson, Albritton, and Thurber, used the American military salute, which involves raising the right hand with fingers together and palm out.

Olympic Torch Relay: The 1936 Summer Olympics introduced the Olympic torch relay, which was a significant event and did not involve any salutes.

Jesse Owens’ Salute: Jesse Owens, after winning his first gold medal, reportedly exchanged waves and salutes with Hitler, according to some accounts. Owens later claimed they exchanged congratulatory waves.

Hitler’s Salute: Adolf Hitler, as the host leader, gave the Nazi salute during the opening ceremony, which was a standard practice for him at the time.

Other Athletes’ Salutes: Various athletes from different countries performed different salutes, including the Olympic salute, the Nazi salute, and the American military salute, depending on their national customs and the political climate of the time.

Francis Bellamy created the Pledge of Allegiance in 1892 and also described a salute to accompany it. The salute, known as the Bellamy salute, involved raising the right hand, palm down, to a line with the forehead and close to it, during the phrase “to my flag.” This salute was used until 1942 when it was replaced due to its similarity to the Nazi salute. The Bellamy salute was officially discontinued when Congress amended the Flag Code on December 22, 1942, replacing it with the hand-over-heart salute used today.

The Olympic salute, which resembles the Roman salute but with the arm raised higher and at an angle to the right from the shoulder, has a history that predates its association with the Nazi regime. It was first used in the Olympics in 1920 and became more prominent in the 1924 Paris Olympics. However, due to its resemblance to the Nazi salute, the Olympic salute fell out of use after World War II.

The origin of the salute is unclear, with some attributing it to an imaginary Roman salute depicted in 19th and 20th-century artwork. Adolf Hitler claimed he introduced the salute to the Nazi Party, but it was also adopted by the Olympics and the Italian Fascist Party before the Nazi Party used it.

The Olympic salute has not been used in official ceremonies since the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble, France. Instead, the tradition of using a mascot, which represents the cultural heritage of the host country, began at the 1968 Winter Olympics. The first major mascot was Misha in the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, which was used extensively during the opening and closing ceremonies and appeared on merchandise products.

The Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892 by the socialist minister Francis Bellamy (1855-1931). It was originally published in The Youth's Companion on September 8, 1892. Bellamy had hoped that the pledge would be used by citizens in any country.

In its original form it read:

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
In 1923, the words, "the Flag of the United States of America" were added. At this time it read:

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
In 1954, in response to the Communist threat of the times, President Eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the words "under God," creating the 31-word pledge we say today. Bellamy's daughter objected to this alteration. Today it reads:

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Section 4 of the Flag Code states:

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.", should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute."
The original Bellamy salute, first described in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, who authored the original Pledge, began with a military salute, and after reciting the words "to the flag," the arm was extended toward the flag.

At a signal from the Principal the pupils, in ordered ranks, hands to the side, face the Flag. Another signal is given; every pupil gives the flag the military salute — right hand lifted, palm downward, to a line with the forehead and close to it. Standing thus, all repeat together, slowly, "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands; one Nation indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all." At the words, "to my Flag," the right hand is extended gracefully, palm upward, toward the Flag, and remains in this gesture till the end of the affirmation; whereupon all hands immediately drop to the side.

The Youth's Companion, 1892

Shortly thereafter, the pledge was begun with the right hand over the heart, and after reciting "to the Flag," the arm was extended toward the Flag, palm-down.

In World War II, the salute too much resembled the Nazi salute, so it was changed to keep the right hand over the heart throughout.

Stupid People: Our Society is Succumbing ? Scientists have discovered a new species that are believed to have been around since the beginning of man.

They are now the fastest growing minority in America and possibly the World. They are everywhere. Lurking in your subways, airports, government offices and Wal-marts. They are a growing factor in American culture. It only takes one to destroy a major company or even…a country.

Scientists classify them as Stupidimundos Homosapius. Common folk, such as ourselves, know them as Stupid People.

Let’s begin by saying being stupid is completely optional and preventable. My personal belief is that if you are “stupid” it is your parents fault. Well-rounded individuals, such as myself tend to have parents that took them to museums and baseball games when they were a little kid.

I find that stupid people don’t get out of the house that often. They are the people who know nothing of the world.

For instance, I know one of these deprived-from-the-world type of person.

To make fun of her I called her Amish one day. She replied, “I’m not Amish, I’m mostly German and a little Swedish.” I just gave her one of those looks. I’m pretty sure I got dumber just by hearing that.

If her parents had taken her to a museum, I’m sure we never would have heard that conversation.

Another thing that makes people stupid is they don’t think things through.They just blurt out the first thing that comes into their head. Also, they have no idea what they just said.

They say it in all seriousness. Serious face and serious tone of voice.

A teacher was showing his students pictures of the sun that he had taken from his telescope. A student raised his hand and asked, “Were these pictures taken during the day or at night?”

Stupid people are also very gullible; seriously…you can convince them to do anything. They believe anything you say.

Lonnie from geocities.com said that he worked for Wendy’s. Lonnie convinced a new worker that for inventory purposes, he had to count all of the pickles in an industrial size jar. Lonnie said the guy spent half the shift in the freezer counting pickles until the manager found him.

Let’s face it…stupid people do stupid things. Stupid people might think they are smart, but in the end it makes them look even more stupid.

From the Associated Press, a man who was soliciting 13-year-old boys on the internet made his own charges of molestation…against Big Foot. Yes, he claims that he was molested by the legendary Big Foot himself.

Stupid people like the get rich quick kind of ideas. So what do they do? Lawsuits. Remember that lady who sued McDonalds after spilling a cup of coffee on her legs while driving?

A man also tried a McDonald's lawsuit - with a milkshake. He lost.

Or how about that guy who sued himself for $5 million dollars? He apparently quote, “accused himself of violating his religious beliefs and his civil rights by getting himself drunk enough to engage in various crimes.” If it’s not stupid enough yet, he said that the state should pay it.

That goes true for criminals too. Stupid criminals always seem to take the headlines.

For instance, in Chicago, there was an attempted robbery of a store. A young man stormed into the store with a gun and demanded for money. The clerk who was working said he didn’t know the combination for the safe. The robber, in return, gave his number to the clerk and told the clerk to call him when the manager was in and left. Obviously the clerk called the police and the robber was arrested.

To make matters worse, our society is succumbing to fit the needs of stupid people, especially on packaging.

The iPaper website states that on a Sears hairdryer package, it says “Do Not Use while sleeping.”

On a package of a Rowena iron is say, “Do Not iron clothes on body.”

On Sainbury Peanuts, “Warning: Contains Nuts.”

And finally on Nytol Sleep Aid, “Warning: May Cause Drowsiness.”

Do I really need to explain the common sense of these statements? So how do you know if you classify as a stupid person?

If your favorite color is clear, you are stupid.

If you consider French Fries ethnic food, you are stupid.

If you ever studied for a pregnancy test, you are stupid.

And finally, if you ever flunked an I.Q. test, you are stupid.

These statements are from the Geocities website. Stupid people have been around for a long time and I’m not the first person to make fun of them.

Rodney Dangerfield said, “my uncle was so stupid, in the civil war he fought for the west.” And “My wife was at the store the other day and just as she was heading for our car, someone stole it! I said, "Did you see the guy that did it?" She said, "No, but I got the license plate."

Great mind Albert Einstein said, and I quote, “Only two things are infinite, the universe, and human stupidity.”

If Albert Einstein noticed it, you can tell stupidity was pretty obvious. Just think what he would say to this comment, “What is Einstein’s last name?” Here’s your sign.

Birth Certificate Equals Slavery Bondage Understanding How Admiralty Maritime Laws - https://rumble.com/v2dau7c-birth-certificate-equals-slavery-bondage-understanding-how-admiralty-mariti.html

What is a Gold Fringe Flag?
Have you ever walked into a court room and notice a gold fringe flag hanging in the room?

Did you ever wonder why every single flag in court rooms and government buildings is a gold fringe flag? And do you remember how many times you pledged your allegiance to that flag?

“I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”

Reciting the pledge was the first things we did in school every day, from day one of first grade, to the last day of eighth grade. So, after eight years of repetition, the neuro-pathways are grooved in deep into our brains. And our loyalty so strong to the red, white and blue. Then, one day, we wake up in our adult world, and guess what? The flag now has gold fringe around it and we NEVER asked why? Why is this flag different than the one we were taught to love and be loyal to? We never questioned it. We just assumed it was the same, dear old stripes and stars, and went about out busy little lives.

So, the flag in the court room is a gold fringe flag. Who cares? That doesn’t affect me, right?

You should care and yes, it does affect you. The gold fringe flag is a clear sign of a system being in place that is not the system we are taught to believe is in place. A gold fringe flag was historically used during times of war in maritime admiralty law(which we are in right now as well).

The gold fringe flag is not the same flag that is approved for our Constitutional Republic in USA code Title 4 Ch 1 & Ch 2. The fourth color (yellow) is not approved in the code. Also, you will notice the tassels hanging from the flag. These are also symbolic of admiralty law, which is the law of the sea.

So, wait a minute? Our flags that hang in our government buildings and court rooms are actually representative of war-time in the law of the sea/admiralty law?? Yes. We are in fact, functioning in maritime admiralty law, and our court system is actually upholding a corporation that goes by the name of UNITED STATES. In other words, we are not in a republic, and we are not dealing with the constitutional United States of America. Well, actually, the UNITED STATES does have a constitution but it is not the same as the original Constitution that was drafted for the republic. This is why the gold fringed flag controversy is such a big deal, because it symbolize

So, now it is up to us to figure out how to navigate our way through the law of the sea, in order to find our remedies. The possibilities for this are endless. But it basically boils down to either mastering the current system and learning how to navigate your way through it, without incurring personal liability for anything. Or, separating yourself completely from the system, and moving yourself back to common law. In other words, you can go as far as expatriating yourself from the UNITED STATES so that you no longer belong to that corporation. Therefore, their rules would no longer apply to you. Cool, huh?

What Is Maritime (aka Admiralty) Law, and Why Is It Important ? What Is Maritime Law?
Maritime law, also known as admiralty law, is a body of laws, conventions, and treaties that govern private maritime business and other nautical matters, such as shipping or offenses occurring on open water. International rules governing the use of the oceans and seas are known as the Law of the Sea.

Maritime law governs private maritime questions, disputes, or offenses and other nautical matters.

In most developed countries, the maritime law follows a separate code and is an independent jurisdiction from national laws.
The International Maritime Organization, or IMO, ensures that existing international maritime conventions are kept up to date and develops new agreements when the need arises.

Understanding Maritime Law
In most developed nations, maritime law follows a separate code and is an independent jurisdiction from national laws. The United Nations (UN), through the International Maritime Organization (IMO), has issued numerous conventions that can be enforced by the navies and coast guards of countries that have signed the treaty outlining these rules.

Maritime law governs many of the insurance claims relating to ships and cargo; civil matters between shipowners, seamen, and passengers; and piracy. Additionally, maritime law regulates registration, license, and inspection procedures for ships and shipping contracts; maritime insurance; and the carriage of goods and passengers.

The IMO (established in 1948 as the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization, and coming into force in 1958) is responsible for ensuring that existing international maritime conventions are kept up to date as well as developing new agreements as and when the need arises.

Today, there are dozens of conventions regulating all aspects of maritime commerce and transport. The IMO names three conventions as its core:

The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers

The governments of the 175 IMO member states are responsible for the implementation of IMO conventions for ships registered in their nation. Local governments enforce the provisions of IMO conventions as far as their ships are concerned and set the penalties for infringements. In some cases, ships must carry certificates onboard to show that they have been inspected and have met the required standards.

History of Maritime Law
The origins of maritime law can be traced all the way back to ancient Egypt. In those days, ships were used to transport goods and a clearly defined set of rules was needed to ensure safety and fair trade and settle disputes between different parties.

However, it wasn’t until much later that the first written record of formal codes can be found. The Rhodian Sea Laws, formed between 900 and 300 B.C., set official rules for the Mediterranean Sea. These laws governed seafaring trade in the area, influenced the Romans and remained in effect for a very long time.

European maritime laws gradually evolved over the following centuries. Key developments that helped to shape current laws included the Consulate of the Sea, the Rolls of Oléron, and the early English Admiralty laws, which would later help to shape the laws of the sea in the U.S.

Maritime law arrived in the U.S. in the 1600s. However, it wasn’t until 1789 that federal district courts were given jurisdiction over admiralty law cases and a uniform body of law was created.

Ship Registration Under Maritime Law
The country of registration determines a ship's nationality. For most ships, the national registry is the country where the owners live and operate their business.

Shipowners will often register their ships in countries that allow foreign registration. Called "flags of convenience," the foreign registration is useful for tax planning and to take advantage of lenient local laws. Two examples of "flags of convenience" countries are Panama and Bermuda.

What Is Maritime Law and Why Is it Important?
Maritime law is the body of rules that govern everything that goes on in the sea and open waters. These rules help clear up various disputes that can occur and ensure that the people and organizations that work on the water behave correctly and are protected.

Who Controls Maritime Law?
International maritime law is governed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). A specialized agency of the United Nations, it is the IMO’s job to establish the framework and regulations for the safety, security, and environmental performance of shipping on an international, universal level.

What Is the Difference Between Maritime Law and Law of the Sea?
Maritime law generally applies to private shipping issues, whereas the law of the sea is largely recognized as referring to public international law. In other words, the latter governs how nations should behave in maritime environments.

The Bottom Line
The world’s open seas make up about 70% of the earth’s surface and are important, both as a means of transport and as a resource.

Maritime law exists to protect this asset and the people who use it. Without it, there would likely be anarchy and collapse of the global economy.



Hitler Salute vs US Allegiance Salute
The Nazi salute, also known as the Hitler salute, and the USA Pledge of Allegiance salute have a complex and intertwined history.

Nazi Salute: The Nazi salute, performed by extending the right arm from the shoulder into the air with a straightened hand, was officially adopted by the Nazi Party in 1926. It was used as a greeting in Nazi Germany, and its use was mandatory for civilians.

USA Pledge of Allegiance Salute: The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, and it was accompanied by a salute known as the Bellamy salute. The Bellamy salute involved extending the right arm from the shoulder, with the palm downward, and then moving it to a position with the palm upward, toward the flag. This salute was used in the United States from 1892 until 1942.

The similarity between the two salutes led to controversy in the United States, particularly during the 1930s and 1940s, as the Nazi Party rose to power in Germany. In 1942, Congress amended the Flag Code to replace the Bellamy salute with the hand-over-heart gesture, which is still used today during the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem. This change was made to distance the Pledge of Allegiance from the Nazi salute and to avoid any perceived connection between the two.

Red Skelton - What the Pledge Means to Me Minute Flag and the Freedom America - https://rumble.com/v2985d0-red-skelton-what-the-pledge-means-to-me-minute-flag-and-the-freedom-america.html

The late comedian Red Skelton shares his prophetic views of the American pledge of allegiance to the flag, recorded some 40 years ago in 1969, on his CBS television series "The Red Skelton Show".

In 1969, Red Skelton gave his personal view of the Pledge of Allegiance.
The statement he made at the end, I think, tells it all.

Red Skelton, one of America's best loved Comedians and star of Motion Pictures, Radio and Television, was also a true Patriot. A man who loved his Country, its Flag and the Freedom America stood for. On January 14, 1969, Red touched the hearts of millions of Americans with his "Pledge Of Allegiance," in which he explained the meaning of each and every word. Red's "Pledge" was twice read into the Congressional Record of the United States and received numerous awards.

Heil Arnold Schwarzenegger Don’t Become A Nazi Loser Like My Dad Covid-19 Shot - https://rumble.com/v3sa29u-heil-arnold-schwarzenegger-dont-become-a-nazi-loser-like-my-dad-covid-19-sh.html

Arnold Schwarzenegger Say Don’t Become A Nazi Loser Like My Dad And Get Your Covid-19 Death Shots Today Or You're A Schmuck Too. The Weight of what Arnold Schwarzenegger Experienced during a visit to the Nazi Death Camp at Auschwitz was “heavier than any squat I’ve done before,” the actor and retired professional bodybuilder said in a video released Tuesday directed at the rising tide of antisemitism seen heralded by the likes of Kanye West and NBA star Kyrie Irving. In the 12-minute video, Schwarzenegger talks directly to those “who might have already stumbled into the wrong direction,” urging them to dismiss conspiracies surrounding Jewish people, along with race, gender and sexual orientation. “I’ve seen enough people throw away their future for hateful beliefs,” Schwarzenegger says, before referencing his Nazi father, Gustav Schwarzenegger, who he watched “broken” as a child growing up in Austria after the Second World War. “They felt like losers... they fell for a horrible, loser ideology,” Schwarzenegger said of the men he was surrounded by as a kid. “They were lied to and misled into a path that ended in misery… they bought into the idea that the only way to make their lives better was to make other lives worse... It breaks you… it is the path of the weak… there has never been a successful movement based on hate.” Schwarzenegger echoed comments about his father in March 2022 in a video plea to Russians to end the war in Ukraine, revealing Gustav was a German soldier during the siege of Leningrad.

I Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag Was A Marketing Ploy Designed To Sell Flags - https://rumble.com/v2987kq-i-pledge-of-allegiance-to-the-flag-was-a-marketing-ploy-designed-to-sell-fl.html

Americans know the Pledge of Allegiance very well – the great majority of US states require school children to recite it every single morning. But not many of us know the true history of the Pledge of Allegiance, or that of its author, Francis Bellamy.

While it's true that the Pledge of Allegiance was created as a way to instill patriotism in American kids, it's also so much more than that. The Pledge has gone through several transformations, each of which provides a really interesting insight into the fears and desires of the United States at a particular point in history.

Americans know the Pledge of Allegiance very well – the great majority of US states require school children to recite it every single morning. But not many of us know the true history of the Pledge of Allegiance, or that of its author, Francis Bellamy.

While it's true that the Pledge of Allegiance was created as a way to instill patriotism in American kids, it's also so much more than that. The Pledge has gone through several transformations, each of which provides a really interesting insight into the fears and desires of the United States at a particular point in history.

The Pledge of Allegiance has also stirred up controversy over the years, with its original salute (too close to the Nazi salute for comfort) and the addition of "under God." But most people aren't even aware of one of its hidden controversies – that it was written to sell flags for a magazine.

Why Americans Once Gave the 'Bellamy Salute' - The American school children in the picture are showing their loyalty to our flag and country by giving the “Bellamy Salute” while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Despite how it might look, the Bellamy Salute had nothing to do with Nazi dictator Adolph Hitler, but it did cause quite stir many years ago.

In fact, the Bellamy Salute is an interesting aside on the history of the Pledge of Allegiance itself.

Who Was “Bellamy?”
Francis J. Bellamy actually wrote the original Pledge of Allegiance at the request of Daniel Sharp Ford, owner of a popular Boston-based magazine of the day named the Youth’s Companion.

In 1892, Ford began a campaign to place American flags in every classroom in the nation. Ford believed that with the Civil War (1861-1865) still so fresh in the memories of so many Americans, a great public show of patriotism would help stabilize a still fragile nation.

Along with the flags, Sharp assigned Bellamy, one of his staff writers at the time, to create a short phrase to be recited to honor the flag and all it stood for. Bellamy’s work, the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, was published in the Youth’s Companion, and immediately struck a chord with Americans.

The first organized use of the Pledge of Allegiance came on Oct. 12, 1892, when some 12 million American school children recited it to commemorate the 400-year anniversary of the voyage of Christopher Columbus.

In 1943, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that school administrators or teachers could not force students to recite the Pledge.

How it Became Bellamy’s Salute
Bellamy and Sharp also felt a physical, non-military style salute should be given to the flag as the Pledge was recited.

When the instructions for the salute were printed in the Youth’s Companion under his name, the gesture became known as the Bellamy Salute.

Performed as described in Bellamy’s instructions published in The Youth’s Companion, the Bellamy salute was first demonstrated on October 12, 1892, in honor of the National School Celebration of Columbus Day.

At a signal from the Principal the pupils, in ordered ranks, hands to the side, face the Flag. Another signal is given; every pupil gives the flag the military salute – right hand lifted, palm downward, to align with the forehead and close to it. Standing thus, all repeat together, slowly, “I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands; one Nation indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.” At the words, “to my Flag,” the right hand is extended gracefully, palm upward, toward the Flag, and remains in this gesture till the end of the affirmation; whereupon all hands immediately drop to the side.
And That Was Fine… Until
Americans had no problem with the Bellamy Salute and rendered it proudly until the days before World War II, when Italians and Germans began showing loyalty to dictators Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler with the disturbingly similar “Heil Hitler!” salute.

Americans giving the Bellamy Salute began to fear that they might be mistaken as showing allegiance to the growingly powerful European fascist and Nazi regimes. In his book “To the Flag: The Unlikely History of the Pledge of Allegiance,” author Richard J. Ellis wrote, “the similarities in the salute had begun to attract comment as early as the mid-1930s.”

Fears also began to grow that the editors of European newspapers and films could easily crop the American flag from pictures of Americans giving the Bellamy Salute, thus giving Europeans the false impression that Americans were beginning to support Hitler and Mussolini.

As Ellis wrote in his book, “the embarrassing resemblance between the ‘Heil Hitler’ salute and the salute that accompanied the Pledge of Allegiance,” stirred fears among many Americans that the Bellamy Salute could be used overseas for pro-fascist propaganda purposes.

So Congress Ditched It
On June 22, 1942, at the urging of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Congress passed the first law establishing the procedure to be used by civilians when pledging allegiance to the flag. This law failed to take into account the controversy over the use of the Bellamy salute, stating that the Pledge was to “be rendered by standing with the right hand over the heart; extending the right hand, palm upward, toward the flag at the words 'to the flag' and holding this position until the end, when the hand drops to the side.”

Exactly six months later, on December 22, 1942, Congress forever eliminated the use of the Bellamy salute, when it passed a law stating that that the Pledge should “be rendered by standing with the right hand over the heart,” as it is today.

Other Changes to the Pledge
Besides the demise of the Bellamy Salute in 1942, the exact wording of the Pledge of Allegiance has been changed over the years.

For example, the phrase “I pledge allegiance to the flag,” was original written by Bellamy as “I pledge allegiance to my flag.” The “my” was dropped out of concerns that immigrants to the United States, even those who had completed the naturalization process, might be seen as pledging allegiance to the flag of their home nation.

The Supreme Court also ruled on saluting the flag in 1943 in the case of West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette.

The biggest and by far most controversial change came in 1954, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower drove a move to add the words “under God” after “one nation.”

“In this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in America’s heritage and future; in this way we shall constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our country's most powerful resource in peace and war,” declared Eisenhower at the time.

In June 2002, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco declared the entire Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional because of its inclusion of the phrase “under God.” The court held that the phrase violated the First Amendment’s guarantee of separation of church and state.

However, the next day, 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Alfred Goodwin, issued a stay that prevented enforcement of the ruling.

So while its wording may change again, you can bet the Bellamy Salute will have no place in the future of the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Official Pledge of Allegiance Salute Used to be a ‘Hitler Salute’ The pledge of allegiance was originally written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, a socialist magazine writer. When he wrote it for a children’s magazine, he also described a salute that he thought would be appropriate during its recital.

The pledge was aimed towards children, and the magazine also gave free flags away to schools, where the pledge was originally recited. The salute they were taught to give, with one stiff arm outstretched toward the flag, was deemed the “Bellamy salute” after its creator (who had gotten the idea from a salute that the Romans had done).

In the early 1940s, it was noticed that the salute bore a resemblance to a certain other salute being used in Germany at the time (which was based off of the same original Roman salute). As a result, it was formally replaced by Congress with the now-customary hand-on-heart during the pledge.


Below are three photographs showing the old salute, now in the Library of Congress, which were taken in May 1942 in Southington, Connecticut, just one month before the new salute became official. These photographs were taken by Charles Fenno Jacobs, a photojournalist who was at the time employed by the US government.

Woke Obedience Training for Kids The Real Truth about the Pledge of Allegiance - https://rumble.com/v29873i-woke-obedience-training-for-kids-the-real-truth-about-the-pledge-of-allegia.html

A look into the origins of the pledge of allegiance – mandatory regurgitation for school children – reveals that it was actually created by a magazine in 1892 in order to sell flags to schools, and the pledge was created by Francis Bellamy to create a reason for schools to buy the flags.

In turn, this social ritual creates cohesion and unity in the mind of the public with the federal government. Until it was changed, the salute was actually a military salute wherein children then "hailed" the flag in a fashion very similar to what was done in Nazi Germany. American children were instead trained to put their hand over their hearts... and the phrase "under God" wasn't added until 1954 in the Eisenhower Administration – controlled from the shadows by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and his brother Allen.

Red Skelton - What the Pledge Means to Me Minute Flag and the Freedom America - https://rumble.com/v2985d0-red-skelton-what-the-pledge-means-to-me-minute-flag-and-the-freedom-america.html

The late comedian Red Skelton shares his prophetic views of the American pledge of allegiance to the flag, recorded some 40 years ago in 1969, on his CBS television series "The Red Skelton Show".

In 1969, Red Skelton gave his personal view of the Pledge of Allegiance.
The statement he made at the end, I think, tells it all.

Red Skelton, one of America's best loved Comedians and star of Motion Pictures, Radio and Television, was also a true Patriot. A man who loved his Country, its Flag and the Freedom America stood for. On January 14, 1969, Red touched the hearts of millions of Americans with his "Pledge Of Allegiance," in which he explained the meaning of each and every word. Red's "Pledge" was twice read into the Congressional Record of the United States and received numerous awards.

Red Skelton - What the Pledge means to ME

This was first broadcast on:
From The Red Skelton Hour, CBS TV, January 14, 1969.

I remember this one teacher. To me, he was the greatest teacher, a real sage of my time.
He had such wisdom. We were all reciting the Pledge of Allegiance one day, and he walked over.
Mr. Lasswell was his name.
He said, "I've been listening to you boys and girls recite the Pledge of Allegiance all semester, and it seems as though it is becoming monotonous to you.
If I may, may I recite it and try to explain to you the meaning of each word?"

I: me, an individual, a committee of one.
PLEDGE: dedicate all of my worldly goods to give without self-pity.
ALLEGIANCE: my love and my devotion.
TO THE FLAG: our standard, Old Glory, a symbol of freedom.
Wherever she waves, there is respect because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts freedom is everybody's job.
UNITED: that means that we have all come together.
STATES: individual communities that have united into 48 great states.
Forty-eight individual communities with pride and dignity and purpose, all divided with imaginary boundaries yet united to a common purpose, and that's love for country.
AND TO THE REPUBLIC: a state in which sovereign power is vested in representatives chosen by the people to govern. And government is the people and it's from the people to the leaders, not from the leaders to the people.
ONE NATION: meaning, so blessed by God.
INDIVISIBLE: incapable of being divided.
WITH LIBERTY: which is freedom, the right of power to live one's own life without threats, fear, or some sort of retaliation.
AND JUSTICE: the principle or quality of dealing fairly with others.
FOR ALL: which means, boys and girls, it's as much your country as it is mine.
Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country and two words have been added to the Pledge of Allegiance: UNDER GOD
Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said, "That is a prayer," and that would be eliminated from schools, too?

Prototype For New American Flag Unveiled Today At A Secret Meeting In DC U.S.A. - https://rumble.com/v29r0ya-prototype-for-new-american-flag-unveiled-today-at-a-secret-meeting-in-dc-u..html

THE WHITE HOUSE TODAY has, on this the day of America’s up coming 250nd year of independence, unveiled a new updated flag which better reflects the nation in its present form, signaling the aspirations it has for its ever bright future.

“Nobody likes change, but we remind people the old flag didn’t always have 50 stars on it, you will grow to love it in time,” a White House spokesperson shared at the unveiling today.

The striking update sees prominence given to a religious symbol which denotes peace, something the deeply religious people of America will welcome with New World Order devotees already asking people opposing it to try and see things from their perspective. The flag will be mass produced outside of the United States.

“Our twin pursuits of religious harmony and peace dovetail beautifully, just beautifully really, just as our founding fathers totally wrote about in the Constantinople of the United States of America,” a visibly moved President of the New World Order said as he unveiled a prototype which was designed by the best racially pure artists in this country.

Over the coming hours the new world order flags will be sent out to public buildings, schools and local businesses with those refusing to comply with flying the new flag to be sent to a facility were they will relearn what it is to be a real new world order American.

For some, the flag represents just the latest, seemingly imperceptible change to American freedoms, laws and society which is setting the country on a regrettable path from where it may never return.

“It’s just a flag people,” President of the New World Order said, reassuring his public.

UPDATE: Those who oppose the use of the flag have been asked to register their complaints via website set up by new world order authorities, making sure to include their address, date of birth, a list of all their relatives, their ethnicity and political allegiance.

Dissecting 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory Let me answer my own question at the start. America is not an inherently racist country but has followed racist policies in the past 400 years. America is not a racist country in part because it would be wrong to label all of the new world order society in that way. thanks.

I taught history and I never knew half of our nation’s past until I began to re-educate myself by learning from original source materials, rather than modern textbooks written by progressive New World Order with an agenda.

Interestingly, Democrats and other party have long ago erased these historic figures from our textbooks, only to offer deceitful propaganda and economic enticements in an effort to convince people, especially black Americans, that it’s the Democrats woman of house wearing all white at state of the new world order speech rather than Republicans with red shoe lace who are the true saviors of the new world order and other civil liberties. Luckily, we can still venture back into America’s real historical record to find that facts are stubborn things. Let’s take a closer look at the past and hope for a better tomorrow 2025.

United States is a Corporation and Corporate Origins of Modern Constitutionalism - https://rumble.com/v29quxm-united-states-is-a-corporation-and-corporate-origins-of-modern-constitution.html

Yes, you read the title correctly. We are not living in a country with a government of the people, by the people, for the people, but we are part of a giant Corporation, The United States Corporation, and the President of America is the CEO. We are only the employees. England, Canada, Australia and many other countries are led politically by “Prime Ministers” to the Queen. In fact she is the official head of 123 commonwealth countries. America, Russia, and other countries, however, have a “President” and “Vice-President.” Usually corporations have Presidents and Vice-Presidents. What does this mean? The original 13 colonies were actually called companies. Military units are also called companies. We sing patriotic songs like “the Star-Spangled Banner” but a banner is a corporate advertisement, not a flag. You surrender with a white flag, no colors. When you get mad you show your true colors. If you just won independence in a bloody revolution with Britain would you choose the same three colors for your new US flag? Why does “every heart ring true for the red, white, and blue?”

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by law; that I will perform non-combatant service in the Arm Forces of the United States when required by law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by law; and that I take this obligation freely without mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."

From: How to become a U S citizen by Sally Schreudin 5th Ed. (For what should be in an oath, read 8 U.S.C.A. §1448.) This is the oath that people take to become US citizens, the underlined clause is interesting, sounds like voluntary servitude. This gives a guide as to what has to be in an oath, the rejection of former allegiances with the pledge of fidelity to the nation of choice.

What have we learned:
The 14th created or at least expanded U.S. citizenship without an oath.
It takes people to make a nation.
Citizenship is governed by two different forms of Law: Equity and the Common Law.
Ones Citizenship comes from the nationality of your parents.
Citizenship is changed by renouncing allegiance and then taking an oath to another country.
United States citizens owe their allegiance to the 10 square miles of Washington D.C. through the 14th Amendment.
There is a difference between a citizen and a resident.
A resident is a title for an alien.
Citizens of one of the several states do not need the 14th Amendment for protection from government.
The original United States government/Congress never had the powers of naturalization.
This Federal Government is full of enigmas, I have searched and have not yet found any uniform rules on naturalization for state citizenship, and they seem to have left it up to the states. But, they continue to pass laws:

People's Republic Of United State Of America Act of 1871-1917-1933 Fully Exposed. - https://rumble.com/v2ehok8-peoples-republic-of-united-state-of-america-act-of-1871-1917-1933-fully-exp.html

We hold that the American People Created a Constitutional Republic for the United States of America and never gave permission for a foreign controlled corporation to govern Us.

Swastika A 6,000 Year Old True Symbols Of Peace In The World Or Now A Hate Symbols - https://rumble.com/v3xavf4-swastika-a-6000-year-old-true-symbols-of-peace-in-the-world-or-now-a-hate-s.html

The Swastika A 6,000 Year Old True Symbols Of Peace In The World Use and Abuse of a Sacred Symbols, by definition, have power. Throughout history symbols have been used to consecrate and positively inspire, as well as to intimidate and harm. Perhaps no abuse of a symbol is more potent than one associated with genocide.

History Flag/Evolution of Deep State/U.S.A. Star Chamber/April 1 Fool Sheeple Day? - https://rumble.com/v2fu55k-history-flagevolution-of-deep-stateu.s.a.-star-chamberapril-1-fool-sheeple-.html

Here's the new world order plan to dismantle the deep state, antifa, black lives matter, civil asset forfeiture, IsIs, Islamic state, police brutality, pedophile's, racism, summer of love, sex slave, etc. and to reclaim our world democracy from tyrannical washington dc corruption once and for all, and from all corruption and all disinformation and all propaganda it is a new world order cuming down to you soon our 100 videos and policy and proposals for all the world need now is love for all fellow human's campaign.

This plan will also end the ongoing weaponization of the justice system that targets its political enemies simply because of their political or religious beliefs," the campaign release added.
"I will shatter the deep state, and restore government that is controlled by the people."

We The People Of The New World Order Year Zero Thank You Let's Stop All Wars Now - https://rumble.com/v3omcs3-we-the-people-of-the-new-world-order-year-zero-thank-you-lets-stop-all-wars.html

By combining individual efforts with these additional strategies, we can successfully confront 5th Generation Warfare and protect the values and principles that underpin our democratic societies.

Real Illuminati Media CIA Television Mass Mind Control Operation Mockingbird U.S.A. - https://rumble.com/v4b6vkr-real-illuminati-media-cia-television-mass-mind-control-operation-mockingbir.html

Real Illuminati Media Ultimate TV Mind Control Media Manipulation Pt.2 Documentary - https://rumble.com/v4bd5cq-real-illuminati-media-ultimate-tv-mind-control-media-manipulation-pt.2-docu.html

Real Illuminati One World Headquarter Order Out Of Chaos Freemasonry 1776-2024 - https://rumble.com/v4b8nqr-real-illuminati-one-world-headquarter-order-out-of-chaos-freemasonry-1776-2.html

Global Citizen One World Together At Home 15 Min. City UN Extreme Propaganda - https://rumble.com/v4bfaqz-global-citizen-one-world-together-at-home-15-min.-city-un-extreme-propagand.html

5th Gen Warfare Psyops Insiders Briefing Manipulate Domestic American News Media - https://rumble.com/v4g8bwr-5th-gen-warfare-psyops-insiders-briefing-manipulate-domestic-american-news-.html

Have You Ever Heard Of 5th Generation Warfare? Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early years of the Cold War and attempted to manipulate domestic American news media organizations for propaganda purposes.

Welcome 2 New World Order Black-White-Yellow-Brown Peoples Dan Smoot Report - https://rumble.com/v4ervb0-welcome-2-new-world-order-black-white-yellow-brown-peoples-dan-smoot-report.html

Welcome 2 New World Order Black-White-Yellow-Brown-Red-Woke-Trans-Etc. Peoples Of The New America Phoenix Rising From The Ashes... See The True Dan Smoot Report To U.S.A.. So Yes America Is A Republic & Is Not A Democracy Is A Dangerous And Wrong Argument Enabling Sustained Minority Rule At The National level Is Not A Feature Of Our True Constitutional Design But A Perversion Of It. We The True People's Of The Worlds.

We Hope This Video Is The Great Awakening In 2025 To And For All The American People Today And This Channels 898 Videos Are Some Of The Most Powerful Documentary From What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie ? "Open Your Eyes Before You Die"... In 2025.

Real Parallel Worlds Today - NAZI vs U.S.A. - COVID-19 - ANTIFA - SS vs FBI vs DEATH - https://rumble.com/v3g2oan-real-parallel-worlds-today-nazi-vs-u.s.a.-covid-19-antifa-ss-vs-fbi-vs-deat.html

Yes Its For The Greater Good. Yes Thank You For Killing Yourself Too... We The Sheeple People's Republic Of United State Of America... Yes Its For The Greater Good. With Love From Your Uncle Sam...

World Economic Forum Great Reset Medical Tyranny, Woke Culture, Green Agenda - https://rumble.com/v3jfm06-world-economic-forum-great-reset-medical-tyranny-woke-culture-green-agenda.html

Yes Its For The Greater Good, Greater Good, Greater Good, And God Bless You ALL... Yes Its For The Greater Good In 2025.

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