Snow Run

2 months ago

I talked Gene into a short run today in the snow, a nice brisk 29 degrees, Davis Bridge Road, Rockfish Creekwas put-in and take out. Since it was an up stream paddle and turn around to put-in, we decided on 1 truck, since I have AWD, we took mine. I was so excited, I left a few items at home, but we also packed light. We was greeted by snow on the banks, were there was not much foliage, as the snow was not heavy enough to really cover the forest, and some had already melted on the banks the sun was shining through.
I will say the sun was bright, but at this temperature, it really had not effect, we both commented that out feet were cold near the end of the trip, I was thinking since out feet inside the boat was below the waterline. We also noticed that the area had be recently cut and cleared, the trees on the right bank was cut and the trees looked as they had been dragged by pulley system to left bank, looks this someone put in alot of effort. Clean out the boat was not an issue since any water that was in it was frozen, I just grabbed a chunk out the boat, complete with leaves and tossed them out. I al got to be a human powered iced breaker, it went well for awhile, when I realized the ice was getting thicker than my paddle could penetrate , and turn back was some what of an issue
Water level unknown, but very cold. I think we did 3.8 miles in total.
Being the bad influence I was, and I brided Gene to a Strawberry shake and I had Fudge Sunday with a brain freeze, been awhile since I had one of those, my treat, the McD's ice cream machine was working👍
Me and Gene will explore this area in spring time, to see if this would be a possible 6 mile run from put-in. Gene had mentioned before that a private land owner had let them use his grounds for a put in.

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