Chief Law Enforcement Officer CLEO: Protect the Patriot and the Constitution

1 month ago

Chief Law Enforcement Officer CLEO: Protect the Patriot and the Constitution

Against All Enemies
2023 ‧ Documentary/Drama ‧ 1h 46m

This film ridiculous anyone who takes a proper Oath.

The Sheriff answers to his boss: The People, and has by virtue of his oath the relative autonomy to exercise some moral agency over how laws are enforced. Sheriffs In the United States are the chief of law enforcement officers of a county, CLEO. Sheriffs are elected by the populace in the county. The CLEO has a duty to protect the residents in the county from an overreaching federal tyranny which is operating outside of its enumerated authorities granted in the national Constitution. The founders declared a right and a duty to throw aside the king's rule and to establish a government recognizing sovereignty as naturally existing with the governed.

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Jan 31, 2023 — The Supreme Court has recognized federalism doctrines that affirmatively prohibit Congress from taking certain actions that intrude on state ...

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