1986 Act Congress Liability You Must Confirm Robert Kennedy JR

1 day ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/ )

Every member of the Senate has to say, this is the man who can lead selflessly because he wrote that forward to that book (Plague of Corruption). There is no one sitting in Congress or the Senate who has not committed crimes against humanity for disobeying the 1986 law, the federal act, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, every single shot on the schedule, and we proved this in COVID, never stop transmission of the deadly agent. In fact, you injected that along with monkey viruses, cow viruses, pig viruses, aborted fetal. There is no shot that was ever, ever tested more than five days. They are so criminally liable, every member of that house, every senator, hear me! Confirm him (Robert Kennedy Junior). You paid me. The American people paid me for 22 years. I entered the National Cancer Institute on June 10, 1980. I left as the lowest level technician fermenting, fermentation chemistry, at Fort Detrick. I left May 11, 2001. I was awarded in small business grants to two companies. It started with EpiGenX Pharmaceuticals, which were driven out of the industry in 2006 as a result of 911.
911 was to destroy the cancer industry. We cured it a long time ago, and that company, EpiGenX Pharmaceuticals, had those cures that came straight from the intellectual property that only the American taxpayers paid for, Frank Ruscetti, the National Cancer Institute and Judy Nolde in 2001 when I joined EpiGenX Pharmaceuticals, and that is in the book Ending Plague, look at page 160 and you will see the letter of recommendation (see on website transcript link above) that Dr Stephen B. Baylin, beautiful man, one of the most powerful scientists at Johns Hopkins University.

Judy Mikovits, PhD - 01/20/2025

Darrell Wolfe and the Dr Judy Show: https://rumble.com/v6bgfh1-the-real-dr.-judy-mikovits-show.html

Sign the Petition to get Bobby confirmed: https://www.change.org/p/save-our-families-support-rfk-jr-for-health-secretary

Uncensored Books: https://therealdrjudy.com/uncensored-books

National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act: https://www.congress.gov/bill/99th-congress/house-bill/5546

Fort Detrick: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/f/touring-ft-detrick-the-cancer-factory-with-dr-judy-mikovits

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