4 Day tested vaccine for kids newborns-millstone net work-its over

1 month ago

GAIN OF FUNCTION OUTLAWED IN 1940'S & 1950'S 24-7 on Rumble
Obama's cdc dept of def said nope a dope to that one ! Made bio labs all over from Ukraine to collages =War in Ukraine
We gathered, Enough evidence to lock up or shame any doctor who gave a child these untested vaccines !
Like the ones tested for four days given to kids at birth or the sexy new covid lie-never tested vax, never tested-on Humans -killed all the test rats in study 10 kids tested died day one of vaccines! Test they hide the test..same or worse with Adults 75 years they want to hide the fact its killing people via shed as well as injected Noah,CDC,FDA, and child services FBI-CIA-they let this happen or helped- and most in office need to be fired ! We almost got killed after we posted this car jack attempt for lasted for 2 weeks,from Fla to Texas- non stop ! Not to mention they are killing us in the air-Snowed last night In Palm beach-check your home cam-10 pm till 1 am- -on my security cams all full of what looked like a blizzard -opened the door was fog- total con job on America ! Bible said the killers would be in your own house and not to even trust your mom -she might get you vaxed !

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