Teachers Deaths

12 hours ago

We have noticed so many unexpected deaths in the media. This particular collection focuses on news reports of deaths of teachers who have died prematurely since the vaccine became available in 2021.

- Is there a connection?
- Is anyone looking into it?
- What does the Ministry of Education think?

We do not have confidence that pharmacoviligence (safety monitoring) in New Zealand is thorough or accurate. Prior to 2021, the safety monitoring standards with a new medicine would determine the medical procedure was cause of death, until proven otherwise.

Since covid, a death can now be explained as 'unexplained natural causes' even though the person was vaccinated 2 days prior to their passing.

We have seen a similar trend in health care workers, first responders, healthy sports people and of course children.

Music: https://pixabay.com/.../build-up-scenes-remember.../

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