this is so cheesy i hate it but for the purpose of keeping myself in check *polemical "musical

1 month ago

that scratchy sound means the battery is dying
it's a good thing to sing
i sing the hymns to piss off my coworkers that wanna blast terrible ghetto gangsta rap all night long
this is definitely my thing
authenticity ain't a thing anyone wants, they'd rather flaunt being boring
tell me more about yer podcast
what i do is the best n not just cos it's not what they do
why would anyone wanna emulate this
nobody wants to be me
why is my nose is running so badly
they know not of their envy
narcissists are charming as part of their persona
if you're a narcissist there's comedy n podcasts
talk into a microphone n get all the attention you have ever wanted
you're lucky if you have any parents
i'm very sorry no matter how haughty i come across
scorn for doin sumin different then what all the sheep are offering
you bore me, son
yes i am a bitch but also i can't let go of what they voluntarily let go of
it makes me sad that you'll never know what chu coulda had
it makes me mad but why when you chose to throw it away
whatever power you have you give it all to yer phone
no matter what color you are yawl slaves to yer phones
what's gender ad infinitum
anything you want to be a religion is a religion
am i playing this in reverse? i don't think so amy
you're the same person as the one you supposedly hate
that was terrible sorry bout that
it's more than i can stand watching you self-destruct
you always have sumin smart to say NOT

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