GTA 3 - The Definitive Edition | 09 FAREWELL CHUNKY LEE CHONG (1440p, 60fps, classic lighting)

1 month ago

This video features a playthrough of "Farewell Chunky Lee Chong" mission in Grand Theft Auto 3 - The Definitive Edition, played in 1440p and 60 FPS with the visually stunning Classic Lighting enabled. Immerse yourself in this expertly crafted gameplay of a remastered classic masterpiece with enhanced visuals and improved mechanics that bring the gritty streets of Liberty City to life.

Joey Leone wants Claude to take out Chunky Lee Chong, a Triad associate who's been dealing SPANK for a new gang. Chunky runs a noodle stand in Chinatown, but the mission won't be simple—Triad territory is dangerous, and Chunky has protection. Joey advises Claude to grab a weapon from Ammu-Nation before heading out and reminds him to stay cautious while eliminating the target.

This video is part of a detailed playthrough and walkthrough series of Grand Theft Auto 3 - The Definitive Edition, covering all main and side missions. Experience the game’s stunning remastered graphics, the remarkable Classic Lighting, and top-tier gameplay in every episode.

If you enjoy high-quality, in-depth, story-driven gameplay of iconic GTA titles, please like, share, and subscribe. Thank you for watching!

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