Cancer Rates Skyrocket: From Vaccines to Food – Is There A Cure? (Josh Sigurdson w/John Richardson)

6 hours ago

Josh Sigurdson talks with John Richardson of Richardson Nutritional Center about worldwide skyrocketing cancer rates as new studies come out almost daily showing the ways we're being poisoned and put at severe risk.

Microplastics and forever chemicals in our food and our water supply are leading to a major increase in cancer. Wireless technology is causing the rate to go up significantly as well.

Of course the entire vaccine schedule when you're a child leads to the chances of cancer increasing dramatically and one of the most obvious, the Covid "vaccines" have lead to a "pandemic" of so-called "Turbo Cancer" worldwide. Moderna has even acknowledged that their Covid injections cause cancer.

Doctors pretend to be "baffled" by the heightened increase, but we all know why this is happening and of course it's by design.
Humanity is being sprayed and poisoned like bugs. Fluoride in the tap water, metals and chemicals in the sky, seed oils and forever chemicals in the food supply, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, alcohol and so much more. They want us dead or weak, impoverished and dependent.

There are solutions, though most will shrug them off.

Apricot seeds or Vitamin B17 have 50 years of studies to back them up as well as dozens of books. John Richardson breaks down the problems we face as well as the censored truth about cancer and the potential cures available if people just simply pay attention.

GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE: or use Discount code JOSH to save money!

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