Darth FURY: Im TIRED of gettIng people to listen. 25th of JANUARY..IM GOING TO CONFRONT THE LEFT...

12 days ago

You ned to know about southanpton. Both from my body of work, welcome to southampton the mini doc. and now the left chase a free speech event in a pub away....FREE SPEECH!! THEY chased them away...not mwters from where the hotel, sexual crimes and stabbings have been taking place. Southampton is under full attack. You dont hear about it as EVERYONE is complicit .

We are in deep troubke here and i KEEP trying to put southampton on the map..they are not ready for you here..they wkuldnt know how to control you!

But with the lefts influence growing. It may not be ling before the window of opportunity slips away

For wgat is hapoening here we might as well have our throats slit in the night..MY country....THE WORLD needs to listen. If that means standing my ground ni matter what..so be it

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