The Depths of Divine Wisdom | Romans 11: 33-36

29 days ago

What shall we say to all that we have read up to this point, to all that we have learned, to the glories that we have beheld? I fear that if we approach such a wondrous epistle of Divine revelation as merely a letter wherein we discover the fine points of doctrine, of insight into the very plans of God, and do not come to the a place of reverence and awe before the Lord, then we fail to grasp one the Spirit’s central motivations in presenting to us such truth - Doxology. How can we not marvel before a Holy God who, alone, has determined number of those who are His. How can we not tremble before the Lord who though rightly pouring out wrath upon all mankind has set apart for Himself a people who might bear His Name? How can we not consider the course of human history and not proclaim that the God who made the heavens and the earth, is the only Sovereign over men and angels? If we do not we truly have fallen short, and so it is in light of the majestic doctrines given Him by the Spirit that Paul moves to doxology as the only fitting response of men towards a Holy, Sovereign, and Benevolent Redeemer.  

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