Helen Grus...A lesson on Police Corruption and a few Brave Officers

1 month ago

Corruption within law enforcement presents itself daily within aspects of both real world policing and fictional Hollywood drama. From Serpico to the Bad Lieutenant, the theme of police corruption is emblematic of various scenarios that range in nature from the victimless act of “fixing tickets” to much more serious cases of taking bribes or being influenced “to look the other way”.
But what are we to do when an entire police command and administration is looking the other way regarding the lives and wrongful deaths of those who have faithfully entrusted them to serve, protect and
defend them from criminality?
Internal Affairs aka Professional Standards are the people ultimately entrusted to “police the police”. What
happens when they themselves are coerced to look the other way, penalize whistle-blowers and to enable
blatant criminality? Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Let’s investigate just how and why?…
Like all law enforcement officers across Canada, Detective Constable Helen Grus of the Ottawa Police Service swore an oath to diligently uphold the duty of care that has been entrusted to her. This oath includes that; I solemnly swear (affirm) that I will be loyal to Canada, and that I will uphold the Constitution of Canada and that I will, to the best of my ability, discharge my duties as a member of the (insert name of
municipality) Police Services Board faithfully, impartially and according to the Police Services Act…
In times where known and unknown evils and criminality present themselves daily, citizens across Canada are
likewise encouraged to take initiatives to mitigate criminality and potential public safety concerns through
various means. These means include everything from anonymously reporting their concerns to “Crime Stoppers”
to “If you see something say something” and perhaps even assembling publicly to protest criminality or
breaches of the constitution.
OPS Det. Helen Grus is a highly respected professional who has been commended on multiple occasions for her efficacy, leadership and initiative as a police investigator. Performance reviews by her supervisors include such accolades as; she “exceeds all expectations”, and that she is a “revered investigator”. Many similar endorsements, professional citations and acknowledgements of her accomplishments are also a matter of public record. A very significant part of Det. Grus’ resume includes working within the OPS SACA, (Sexual Assault and Child Abuse unit) where she served protecting the safety of society’s most vulnerable, our infants and children.
Police detectives such as Helen Grus typically are permitted to self-initiate aspects of investigation under
their duty of care. In 2022 Grus became aware that authentic data was present to clearly indicate a three-
fold rise in infant deaths had very strangely emerged locally. Her investigative initiatives and professional
purview to examine this most concerning and unprecedented trend then commenced.
In spite of the gravity of the issue and the irrefutable evidence attached to the mysterious rise in infant deaths, including certain causational commonalities, she was most curiously admonished and instructed by her superiors not to further pursue the investigation.
She was further sanctioned with an official internal charge of ‘Discreditable Conduct’ for “initiating an
unauthorized criminal investigation” surrounding a well- documented cluster of unexplained infant deaths in the
Ottawa area. Why?
While the sudden and unprecedented sanctions against Det. Grus may seem to be a mystery of their own, that
mystery appears to have been conclusively solved. Public Health Agency of Canada personnel are now proven to have contacted and influenced the Ottawa Police Service administration to suppress her findings. Firstly during the internal investigation into Det. Grus, and subsequently as OPS Professional Standards then charged Det. Grus while she was appearing before her original internal disciplinary tribunal.
In early 2022, Det. Grus began to investigate the sudden rise in infant deaths and began asking if there was a
correlation between a particular, common variable, that being the Covid-19 vaccination. Multiple babies had
perished in their mother’s arms and there were instances of infants with enlarged hearts.
Medical research indicated that there may be a causal correlation which raised Det. Grus’ concerns. Coroner’s
reports clearly corroborated that her investigative instincts and initiatives were justified.
Veteran forensic investigators like myself will also tell you that; “often the presence of nothing is also the evidence something”. The lack of mainstream media coverage on the details of this case that has impacted the lives and deaths of many innocent victims is indeed “something”. For some enlightening independent media editorials, information and even slanted corporate yellow journalism re. Helen Grus’ case, please examine the links below. Whether your local policing agency uses 10-99, 10-33 or 10-78 code to communicate that a fellow officer needs urgent assistance; the time is now for those with the moral courage to stand together and
support the professional initiatives of OPS Det. Cst. Helen Grus.
Let us also respectfully remember that despite all optics; the term PC has represented the Blue Truth of the "Police Constable" and the rank and file, long before white lies from white shirts were coerced to acquiesce to the PC of "Political Correctness".

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