Game of Life: Episode 1 featuring Seth Stewart

1 month ago

In this episode we explore the great awakening into unity consciousness, introduce esoteric realities, explore god codes, explore the relationship between money and energy, and much more!

We are joined by Seth Stewart. An interesting soul that has a wealth of spiritual knowledge. His specialties include etheric surgery including implant and chord removal, ancestral and past life communication, galactic communication, and spiritual grounding. As the founder of True Kings Academy, his goal is to create a safe container for the Divine Masculine. Seth has studied with different Shamans for the past 14 years; from sweat lodges, vision quests, plant medicine journeys and leadership retreats. He has interned at a leading primitive skills school for over 6 months, learning Earth skills and facilitating 100 person classes. He has led multiple 25 mile backpacking trips through the Appalachian Trail for teenagers from New York City, and was Wilderness EMT certified for two years. He lived in the mountains for 3 Summers, living with the land and building his off-grid cabin. And he continues to be a lifelong student of the sacred arts. Seth works with clients regularly in their healing and personal spiritual growth.

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