Endless Refrain - Living For Love - (Official Lyric Video)

1 month ago

Living For Love - 02.02.25

Eros, Philia, Storge, Pragma, Philautia, Ludas, Agape, love can be conveyed in many different ways. “Living For Love” is a collection of 14 love songs, about the enduring power of genuine love, and how it can transform our lives, when we choose to allow it. Are you living for love?

Experience a powerful anthem about embracing love's true meaning, inspired by the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus. This song calls us to let go of pain and open our arms to forgiveness, reminding us that love is a gift, not a weapon. Are you living for love?

Living For Love Lyrics

To the ones I never get to see
I wish you knew how much I love thee
I pray you grow up learning
Promises are made to be kept, not broken
And that love should not be used as a weapon
It’s a gift not something to be earned
Based on your behaviour
If you ever have a question I’m not
There to answer look to the example
Set by Jesus our Saviour

Are you living for love?

I’ve said it before
But I’ll say it again
You’ll always be family to me
Because I choose to live by the example
Set by the one who died at Calvary
He could have saved himself from that grief
But he bore our burdens to offer us relief
Are your hands holding onto
Something He suffered to save you from
Or are your arms wide open?

Are you living for love?

In the ultimate act He showed us how to let love
Guide us to forgive and rise above
He did His Father’s will and it cost Him
Thorns in his head, and nails piercing His flesh
As His lungs screamed for air
And His shoulders cried out in agony
He asked love to forgive them
Because God’s love is greater than any pain
God’s love is greater than any pain

I’ve said it before
But I’ll say it again
You’ll always be family to me
Because I choose to live by the example
Set by the one who died at Calvary
He could have saved himself from that grief
But he bore our burdens to offer us relief
Are your hands holding onto
Something He suffered to save you from
Or are your arms wide open?

Are you living for love?

You have a choice every day
To show people love or walk away
You can reject love or pray
You can hurt for them
Or be hurt by them
It’s a life long test
Of have you died to self
It’s not a pass or fail
But a heart and mind
Living for love
Living for love

So will you live for love, or yourself?
This is what I’ve tried to show you
Love is what sets you free
Until you have the wisdom of my years
I pray, my vision blurred with tears
That you will increasingly see
The gift He gave us when
He died at Calvary.

His arms are wide open
Mine remain the same
Love is a funnel
Not a drain
So next time you feel pain
Ask yourself
Are you hurt by them
Or are you hurting for them?

Are you living for love?

God’s love is greater than any pain
Are you living for love?

Limited Edition Songs https://www.sound.xyz/endlessrefrain
Merch and CD's https://EndlessRefrain.com

#EndlessRefrain #LivingForLove #ChristianMusic #IndieMusic #LoveSong #OriginalSong #IndependentArtist

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