Channeled WARNING: Ascended MASTER Djwhal Khul REVEALS Humanity's 2025 Challenges! | Kathlyn Kingdon

1 month ago

Channeled WARNING: Ascended MASTER Djwhal Khul REVEALS Humanity's 2025 Challenges! | Kathlyn Kingdon

21 Jan 2025 Next Level Soul Podcast
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All links to today's guest's books and official site - click below:

Book: Whatever Happened to the New Age?

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On today's episode, we welcome Kathlyn Kingdon, a seasoned channeler who has worked closely with the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul (Master DK) for over 40 years. With a background in law firm administration, Kathlyn's journey took a profound turn when she embraced her role as a spiritual channel, bridging divine wisdom with human understanding.

Kathlyn recounts how her connection with Master DK began during a tumultuous period in her life. Seeking clarity through another channel, she encountered the Ascended Master who later became her guiding presence. “I heard him all the time after that session,” she recalls. Her initiation into channeling was as unexpected as it was transformative, pushing her into a path she initially found intimidating but ultimately fulfilling.

Master DK, often referred to as "The Tibetan," is best known for his teachings through Alice Bailey. However, as Kathlyn explains, his current mission focuses on addressing the emotional body, an area she believes humanity has collectively bypassed. “We haven’t truly learned to use our emotions well,” she shares. Through her work, Master DK aims to help individuals integrate their emotional experiences, healing past traumas, and cultivating balance.

The conversation delves into the nature of Ascended Masters and their role in human evolution. Kathlyn describes them as divine guides who bridge the spiritual and physical realms, offering profound insights to expand human consciousness. As Master DK once told her, “It’s not just about what we learn; it’s about how we transform.” Their teachings emphasize interconnectedness and the collective journey toward spiritual awakening.

Kathlyn highlights the importance of navigating humanity's current challenges, such as technological advancements and societal upheavals. She believes we’re at a pivotal moment in history, transitioning from the Piscean Age, which emphasized individuality and hierarchy, to the Aquarian Age, marked by collective empowerment and unity. This shift, though turbulent, offers an opportunity for humanity to redefine itself.

Please enjoy my conversation with Kathlyn Kingdon.

0:00 - Episode Teaser
3:14 - What was Kathlyn’s life before channeling?
10:15 - Who is Master DK?
16:11 - What is Master DK’s Tibetan connection?
18:38 - What do Ascended Masters do for humanity?
23:02 - How does Kathlyn channel Master DK?
26:58 - What is the purpose of Ascended Masters?
35:03 - Why has technology advanced so fast?
43:04 - What challenges will humanity face next?
52:13 - Why are old systems breaking down?
59:59 - How can we deal with fear of change?
1:03:12 - How do we navigate uncertainty?
1:10:54 - How can we prepare for new beginnings?

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