Pastor Rene’s Room: Wisdom of Solomon & Earth’s True Shape...

7 hours ago

Join us in Pastor Rene's Room for a profound exploration of the Wisdom of Solomon as we delve into Ecclesiastes Chapters 1-3. Discover the timeless truths hidden in the scriptures, emphasizing the unchanging nature of our existence "under the sun." We unpack thought-provoking concepts about the Earth's true shape, challenging conventional beliefs—it's not a globe, but a square and stationary plane. This video also highlights the urgent need for unity against division, transcending politics and societal barriers. We invite you to pray for Charlene and her newborn baby Chantel in the Philippines, seeking blessings of abundant life.

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World Upside Down - Biblical EARTH Documentary

#WisdomOfSolomon #PastorRene #Ecclesiastes #EarthTruths #UnityInFaith

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